Psaki's Jaw-Dropping Mockery of Voters Will Make Your Blood Boil - You Won't Believe It

10 months ago

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In a stunning display of leftist arrogance, Jen Psaki and her MSNBC colleagues mocked voters deeply concerned about the escalating illegal immigration crisis. As Psaki laughed off Virginians' legitimate fears, her co-hosts joined in, belittling the notion that every state has become a border state under Biden's failed policies. This shameful disregard for citizens' worries exposes the depth of MSNBC's hypocrisy and the Biden administration's detachment from reality. While the southern border descends into chaos, these so-called "journalists" dismiss the pain and anxiety felt by countless Americans. It's time for a leader who takes this crisis seriously, not one who ridicules those affected by it. The nation needs Trump back in the White House to restore order and security. Watch this special report to learn more about Psaki's audacious mockery and why it matters.

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