🤣🤣🤣 | From a fellow Anon (Check Description)

11 months ago

CNN's Van Jones: If Trump Wins, You're Going to See Russian Tanks and Horror Across Europe, American Soldiers Dying


ACOSTA: "What must President Biden do to earn those Nikki Haley's supporters?"

JONES: "He needs to talk to her donors and supporters and say, if a year from now, you want to watch Russian tanks rolling through Europe, then, you know, endorse Donald Trump and get on that bandwagon. But understand, you're going to wake up one morning, and you're going to see horror across Europe; you're going to have American soldiers and sailors having to go over there and do something that we could have done with dollars we have to do with — with blood."

Last time I checked, @VanJones68, Putin annexed Crimea in 2014 under Obama and invaded Ukraine in 2022 under Biden?

Moreover, isn't Biden currently involved in wars in Israel, Palestine, and Yemen?

And weren't Obama and Biden involved in wars in Libya, Syria, and Yemen?

In contrast, Trump was the first president in four decades to keep the United States out of new wars, contributing to a relatively peaceful planet during his tenure in office, right?


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