#0139 Did Jesus Really Die? Can Atheists Be Moral? Errors in the Bible? Q/A -Further. Every. Day. Further Every Day

1 year ago

Intro: Today, at Further Every Day, we’re going to change up our format and just answer some common questions that are asked of Christians: Are there errors in the Bible? Can’t Atheists be just as moral as Christians? Does Christianity answer life’s profound questions adequately? Did Christ really rise from the dead? Did He even exist? No. No. Yes. Yes. Yes. Let’s break that down as we try to remove our selves from this world, Further Every Day.

Section 1:

Are there errors in the Bible? This guy thinks so:

Dr. Dell Tackett from the Focus on the Family struggled with this question when he encountered it, but a bit of historical research showed him this:


Section 2:

Can’t Atheists do anything moral that a Christian can?


The obvious answer here is: the two commandments that Christ summed the law into: Love the Lord your God and love your neighbor as yourself. You obviously cannot do the first from the atheistic perspective. But what else is missing here. If you refuse the reality of the next world, NDEs are bountiful evidence of this, then you also have doomed your neighbor to an eternity of suffering.

Section 3:

What are the questions that every person who has walked this earth asks? Who am I and what is my purpose? Where am I going? Is there life after death? What defines morality? How does Christianity offer a better solution than any other religion?

Section 4:

Did Christ really rise from the dead?

Did Christ rise from the dead? Is there a succinct defense of the Resurrection? This interview with Dr. Gary Habermas provides many great pieces of info, but here is a succinct breakdown:

Many Christians start with the authority of the Bible, but Dr, Habermas starts with a review of the Historicity of Christ. If you listen to his articulation, you will notice that you do not need an inherent Bible to prove Christ’s Resurrection, Deity, or His claims that the Bible is God’s word:

Near Death Experiences alone are one of the greatest, Extra-Biblical, evidences that there is a beyond and that one who made claims such as Christ could come from such a beyond.

Wrap up

Last question: Who has done the most in recent memory 300 years or less, to destroy the roots of western civilization?

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