Star Double Mission Energy Vlog

11 months ago

Star Double Mission Energy Vlog title is form the date March 6, 2024 thus #17 The Star card bringing Hope and clarity of vision while being vulnerable . The Double Mission is the starseed Oracle deck card of the day. this meand lightworker ; starseed and server the world by being you. follow y9our bliss or your higher self.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclo9sure3 News site showed us two amplitudes. The first was the amplitude for yesterday at a power of 31 thus the Emperor card the divine male master builder and ruler of many nations. The amplitude for today is a power of 14 at 12:45 AM UTC thus, we have the World asking us to be tempered when it comes to war. The quality is a power of 17.0 thus the star again let us see clearly now. The frequency average is 7.66 hertz thus we have 19 the sune card indicates great clarity and enthyusasim after emerging from the darkness such as the dawn of a new day.

Therefore, we can say abo9ut it all: We give praise of the stars above with temperance the star gives us clarity in the dawning of a new day.

We laid out a kachina knife spread for the question of what is hapopeneing on the spring Equinox on March 19, 2024 the past card is the six of pentacles being generous and giving to those in need. the querent card is the ace of Wand an inspiring idea followed by the seven of pentacles and the Knight of swords swift action or thought. The future or result of the top thee card is the Devil the Death Card and the Magician which we hope is the death of the cabal or deep state read devilol.
Schumann Resonance today Disclosure news site:
Space Weather News site:

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