"Jew" Mentioned 300 Times in Bible

1 year ago

Hatred toward White Race advanced by Jews.
The hatred between Christ's family and Satan's children. (Genesis 3:15)
Jews advanced the murder of Whites and invasion of White lands.
THree hundred times the Bible refers to Jews. Only three times does the Bible refer to "Born Again."

The Book of Esther refes to "Jew" forty-nine times.  They Jews in the book of Esther reject the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  They set up an entirely new national holiday called "Purim" that honors the god of chance -- the throwing of lots.  The Jews take over a multicultural empire and murder their enemies.  They hide their identity until they can claim victim status.  THere is not one metion of God, God's Law, or the Patriarchs in the book of Esther.

In the Gospel according to Saint John, "Jew" is mentioned sixty-three times.  Jesus Christ mostly famously called the Jews the devil's own children in John 8:44.

In the Book of Acts, "Jew" is mentioned 82 times. Jews in the book of Acts either repent can converst to Jesus CHrist (like Saul), or they are the enemies of Jesus Christ, the Prophets, and all who call upon the Name of Jesus Christ.

Jews themselves acknowledge that Holy Scripture is anti-thetical to Jews and they demand the Scriptures be repudiated by CHristians: "the Jewish community should work with our Christian brothers to ensure that any antisemitic verses in one of the most widely read bibles on earth be formally repudiated and be re-interpreted clearly, securely and anew."

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