The Coming Third Jewish Temple-NOW THE END BEGINS-MARCH 5 2024

9 months ago

On our Podcast yesterday, we played a clip from CBS News talking about how Hamas views the red heifers now in Israel as a threat, and in fact was one of the reasons behind the October 7th attack on the Jews back in 2023. What does the Bible have to say about the red heifers in our day, and about the coming time of Jacob's trouble? As it turns out, a lot. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we live in a time where the events of the last days continue to unfold before our very eyes. Israel and the Jews have an unalterable 'date with destiny' known as the time of Jacob's trouble. It is in this time period that things like the red heifers, a rebuilt temple and all the things connected with it will come to pass. The Church, of course, having been removed in an event called the Pretribulation Rapture, will view these things 'from the balcony'. Join us tonight as we look at all these things in great detail, to see what the Lord might be saying to us about getting our own ducks in a row before we fly.

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