Yonkers Judicial Abuse

11 months ago

Westchester County, NY Judge Maryanne Scatteratico-Naber, AFC David Peck, Shari Beth Rackman, engaged in years of Conflicts of Interests, together trying to HIDE the whereabouts of my child, and whom he was living with, mom's boyfriend, a DV felon, who abused his own kids and choked out his ex wife, twice! The driving factor behind mom's moves, besides her kidnapping our son at 7 weeks old 2000 miles away from NY to FL, UCCJEA articles 60 61 violated, where this dishonorable judge ignores ALL evidence, including since mom can't live on her own, uses her boyfriend to keep moving place to place our son, NOT good or healthy for a little boy where he has moved more than his age. False allegations for years on me, NO, ZERO PROOF of anything, HEARSAY, and my son LOVES me and wants to BE WITH ME, whereas these Scumbags keep him away. Way more to the story of Judicial Abuse as I EXPOSE Naber's MONEY COURT CHARGING THE NY TAXPAYERS! I'm STORY #9 in the Book Raised by these Wolves author, podcaster, artist Maryann Petri on AMAZON! HAD 9 attorneys across 3 states, spent almost 200,000.00 dollars and STILL NO JUSTICE as Naber and her Cohorts are breaking the LAW! Certainly not in the best interests of a child!

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