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![Wide Wide World Pedophile President Creepy Joe Biden Sniffs Children’s Hair](
Wide Wide World Pedophile President Creepy Joe Biden Sniffs Children’s Hair
Wide Wide World True Pedophile's A President Creepy Joe Biden Sniffs Children's Hair Again And Other Secret's Pedophile's Blood Line's Creepy Joe strikes again again again President Biden is slammed for singling out elementary school-aged 8 year old girl during speech and saying she looks like she's 19 years old woman.
Joe Biden’s cognitive and physical decline has been well documented throughout his administration. Mumbles and stumbles often make headlines and are mocked by prime time television hosts, but what is not widely spoken about is Joe Biden’s creepiness.
Sniffing children, inappropriate touching and strange whispering have all come up multiple times throughout his presidency but the mainstream media seem to sweep the concerning behavior under the rug.
Blood Feasting Pedophiles, Parasitic Monsters Literally and Predatory Feeding Off the 9.6 Million Children Gone Missing Each Year Around the World… Top Secret “Pedophile” has reverberated throughout America. But beneath our anger and revulsion, a fundamental question pulsates: Are those who abuse their positions of trust to prey upon children a category certainly not limited to those in religious orders sick or are they evil? We need the answer to that fundamental question. Because, without the truth, we cannot act. And until we act, nothing will change. Global child sex trafficking networks generate huge profits, run by the world’s most powerful individuals.
A 2024 International Labor Organization report estimates that two-thirds of the annual profits from forced labor come from sexual slavery that amounts to $99 billion USD each year. And of that $99 billion, most is produced off the blood, sweat, tears, and flesh of helpless underage child sex slaves caught up in global trafficking rings operated by this same diabolical global elite. At the head of this planet’s ruling elite are 13 family bloodlines that include the Rothschilds and Rockefellers as well as European royalty, controlling thousands of compromised, bribed and blackmailed puppet politicians, bankers, judges, CEO’s, military generals, entertainers, top-level spies, and police chiefs.
Blackmailed pedophile politicians, many of whom are well known elected representatives occupying critically important positions in virtually every national government, particularly in the West, have remained insularly protected and immune from investigation and prosecution. Why? Because those running these global child sex networks internationally control both them and law enforcement and high courts.
Pedophiles are disbursed amongst such elitist think tanks as the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission as well as various covert organizations like Yale’s Skull and Bones Society and 33rd degree and higher Freemasonry. The bottom line is too many of these “upstanding” members are secretly satanic worshipping, bloodthirsty child rapists and killers. Pizzagate, the Clintons, the Weiners and Jeffrey Epstein are merely the tip of the iceberg.
A woman's body was found inside a freezer on biden family property and now the whistleblower is dead now and woman body is moved and now its is missing ?. Despite the overwhelming evidence no one will be charged in this crime at all?, Republican politicians do nothing but promise one dead-end investigation after the other. It’s time to take matters into our own hands. Glenn Beck has a plan to finally bring the Biden Crime Family to justice, but he needs your help. Join Glenn as he outlines concrete actions You can take to finally bring about the Reckoning the Biden's so richly deserve.
Every single one of these people in our government are Zionist Free Masons, Illuminati, Knight’s Templars, Knight’s of Malta Khazarians Scull and Bones. The oath they take to join these satanic secret societies comes before anything else in their lives. Including their country their families or even their own lives.
In this oath they swear to Never hold any other member accountable for Any crime they ever commit. This is why their is never accountability. They flat out can’t prosecute another member of their secret society.
These satanic societies are exactly what our forefathers warned us about as well as JFK. I know our forefathers were Masons. But this was before the Zionist Jews and the Jesuits infiltrated and took over the Masons. Our forefathers wrote about the Jesuits and the Zionist or fake Jews many times.
They were worried about them infiltrating and destroying America. They have been in full control of our country for decades and decades. After they killed JFK they decided to go for their New World Order A One World Government.
They stopped certifying their oaths of office in Dec 31 of the year 1965! Nobody in the current illegitimate treasonous criminal Biden regime has a notarized certified oath of office! This is unconstitutional!
They are illegally holding office and the constitution states they must be removed immediately! For the record we the people by law hold all power over the government. We have the right and duty to abolish a rouge tyrannical criminal government and replace it.
The problem is people are weak and think someone else is going to save us. I can tell you this. If we don’t all stand up together and abolish this Gov and establish a new Gov. We are all in very very serious danger!
They have already attacked us with a bio weapon, weakened our military caused an invasion and are trying to bankrupt the country. Plus they are causing food shortages poisoning our food water and air. Biden is ceding our sovereignty to the WHO very soon.
Once that happens it’s over! I honestly don’t understand how the American people just go about their daily lives. While all of this is happening?! Everyone Must Get Involved Now! Band together with others Call for grand juries and remove or abolish the Biden regime Now! If we don’t do this ASAP we are all doomed!!! So if you care about your family and your own lives. Act Now! Please! God is with us!
In another twist on covid vaccine hesitancy, blood centers say they are starting to hear from transfusion patients demanding blood from unvaccinated donors. Experts say the option is neither practical nor medically justifiable. The nation’s roiling tensions over vaccination against covid-19 have spilled into an unexpected arena: lifesaving blood transfusions.
With nearly 60% of the eligible U.S. population fully vaccinated, Its getting hard to find a clean blood supply that is covid free. so now more people in 33> different county are now asking for clean blood supply from other nation’s blood supply is now coming from donors who have been inoculated, experts said.
That’s led some patients who are skeptical of the shots to demand transfusions only from the unvaccinated people, for a clean blood supply now, an option blood centers insist is neither medically sound nor operationally feasible.
Researchers at the University of Oxford have today reported that the risk of the rare blood clotting known as cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) following COVID-19 infection is around 100 times greater than normal, several times higher than it is post-vaccination or following influenza. They report that CVT is more common after COVID-19 than in any of the comparison groups, with 30% of these cases occurring in the under 30s. Compared to the current COVID-19 vaccines, this risk is between 8-10 times higher, and compared to the baseline, approximately 100 times higher.
The breakdown comparison for reported cases of CVT in COVID-19 patients in comparison to CVT cases in those who received a COVID-19 vaccine is: In this study of over 500,000 COVID-19 patients, CVT occurred in 39 in a million patients. In over 480,000 people receiving a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine (Pfizer or Moderna), CVT occurred in 4 in a million. CVT has been reported to occur in about 5 in a million people after first dose of the AZ-Oxford COVID-19 vaccine.
Compared to the mRNA vaccines, the risk of a CVT from COVID-19 is about 10 times greater. Compared to the AZ-Oxford vaccine, the risk of a CVT from COVID-19 is about 8 times greater. However, all comparisons must be interpreted cautiously since data are still accruing.
Routine measures used to determine blood donor eligibility prevent individuals with clinical respiratory infections from donating blood. All donors are supposed to be healthy when they give blood and answer basic questions about potential risks. Collected units of blood are tested for transmissible infectious diseases before they’re distributed to hospitals. But that hasn’t quelled concerns for some people skeptical of covid vaccines.
FDA continues to work closely with CDC and other federal and international agencies to monitor the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic caused by the virus, SARS-CoV-2. Respiratory viruses, in general, are not known to be transmitted by blood transfusion. There have been no reported cases of transfusion-transmitted coronavirus, including SARS-CoV-2, worldwide.
COVID-19 Blood and Non Vaccines Blood and Secret Pedophile's Blood Bank U.S.A. -
First the Jewish Caveat:
Revisionist Jews from intelligentsia, politics, and religion have willfully hijacked and falsified history, starting with the gross exaggeration of holocaust fatalities dying in Nazi concentration camps in order to forge an unlimited sympathy-guilt factor that first secured the Jewish State three years after WWII by an enforced theft acquisition of Palestinian land right up to this day. Zionists have deployed that same victim card as their bogus excuse to aggressively push their Greater Israel Project to expand its borders, start wars, kill Muslims, divide and conquer the Middle East, the US and the world, as well as steal nuclear secrets and material from the US, secretly build up a menacing nuclear weapons arsenal and threaten to annihilate enemies and allies alike with the Sampson Option, and continue collecting almost $4 billion a year in military aid from financially strapped US taxpayers tired of paying for war, as US Empire still fights Israel’s expansionist wars and lending complicit free pass approval to apartheid’s ongoing brutally relentless genocidal crimes against Palestinian Arabs. All this apparent power and control over America begs the answer to the question why? Is America being blackmailed?
But there’s more. All the while, the entire world has been prohibited from addressing this dark ugly reality or even registering criticism against the Jewish State for all its unpunished crimes without being charged with an anti-Semitic hate crime. By deploying AIPAC, the Anti-Defamation League and B’nai B’rith around the world as weaponized truth silencers and libel assaults, regularly engaging in character assassination, harassment, blackmail, bribery and constant anti-Semitic name-calling against anyone brave enough to violate the PC muzzle by simply mentioning the murderous pink elephant in the room, the truth about Israel’s 7 decade long criminality rarely gets spoken these days, much less ever consequenced. Through the bribery power of Rothschild-Rockefeller wealth, weaponized against any political candidate unwilling to be bought, sold and owned by Israel, the US continues to subserviently carry out the psychopathic bidding of Zionist overlords of global chaos, control, and destruction.
Israel getting away with the murder of 34 American sailors and injuring 174 more aboard the USS Liberty in 1967, only to be covered up by LBJ, and then little more than three decades later, co-conspiring with more US traitors – the Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld neocons – in the 9/11 slaughter of 3,000 more Americans, it’s finally time for the Satanist worshipping globalists inside the international crime cabal governments of Israel, the US and EU to finally pay for their countless, unforgivable crimes against humanity, starting with the pedophile empire waging war for centuries against our planet’s innocent children. Tragically, the most visible victim of holocaust has become among the most blatant offenders today. Let’s face it, Israel and the Zionists have been getting away with unspeakable sins for way too long. Telling the truth automatically targets anyone for wrongful anti-Semitic accusations, but tiptoeing around and staying silent, fearing recrimination only encourages more aggression and criminal violence from the perpetrating usual suspect.
That said, it should go without saying that criticism against Israel or specific Jews, past or present, in no way should vilify all Jews. Obviously, it’s inexcusable to make gross generalizations about any group. Many Jewish people oppose apartheid and do not agree with their government. In the same way that the 30 million dead in this world since WWII come at the hands of US Empire aggression doesn’t mean that the American people pulled the trigger or had anything to do with it. They and Jews should not be blamed and hated for the sins of their governments. The bankers, military industrial complex, the CFR, presidents, warmongering Congress members, and US military are the culprits. Americans do not want war. No nation’s people really want war. Yet through controlled corporate media propaganda, the elite has ensured that war is seemingly endless and unavoidable. Again, we the people must hold the planetary controllers who plot and wage war fully accountable. And it is with this aim that this article has been written.
Additionally, it bears mentioning that for millenniums the people of the Jewish faith, as well as people from the Jewish diaspora, have been historic victims of inhumane persecution by others, often Christians. The Black Plague in Europe spawned a horrific blame game by ignorant Dark Age Christians that some believe mark the precursor to Hitler’s genocidal crimes centuries later against Jews and other targeted groups. Anti-Semitism and racism still remain a human curse, and can never be justified. But the notion “once a victim, always a victim” does not grant carte blanche license to punish critics who speak truth citing very confirmed Israeli/Jewish transgressions. What’s done in history is done. But sadly, we humans fail to learn lessons and appear to keep repeating the same fatal mistakes without end. Seeking to acknowledge the truth, however horrific, is neither anti-Semitic nor racist.
This next section addresses a little known abhorrent chapter in Jewish history, exposing incidents involving bloodthirsty religious fanatics, engaging in ritualistic human sacrifice.
Ritualized Jewish Blood Sacrifice (from Middle Ages – 21st Century)
Again, the Jews are not alone in human sacrifice. Over the centuries many cultures have been guilty of this shameful practice. Based on recently uncovered evidence, ancient Greece may be the latest civilization that conducted child sacrifice. A teenage boy’s remains were found last August in an identified location reserved for animal sacrifice to Zeus. Other known ancient cultures that regressed into sacrificing fellow humans are the Egyptians, the Mesopotamians, the Carthaginians, the Etruscans (from Italy’s Tuscany region), the Celts, the Chinese, Hawaiians, Aztecs, and the Incas. Today it’s still practiced in places like India and Africa where children’s purity and innocence are believed to make sacrifices all the more potent. Coming full circle, this examination focuses primarily on evidence that satanic sacrifice of children currently being practiced by cults and secret societies in Europe and North America, hidden in plain sight with global child sex trafficking rings, it’s likely being practiced all over the world. Its history reminds us only that it’s never stopped.
The Jews’ ancient forebears, the Israelites, burnt children alive at the altar of Moloch. From the Old Testament comes the Israelite warrior Jephthah who proclaims if granted victory over his enemy, he’ll sacrifice the first “whatsoever” that comes from his house to greet him upon his return. It just so happened to be his virgin daughter and unlike with Abraham, this time God didn’t intercede and the Semitic child was sacrificed around 1125 BC. The Old Testament fails to mention exactly how she was sacrificed. But according to prescribed methods for animal sacrifice, Jephthah or the temple priest would slit the daughter’s throat, drain her blood, cut off her arms, legs, and head, cut up her torso in sections while smearing blood around the altar and burning her flesh… pretty gruesome. Additionally, several other Jewish kings in the Old Testament sacrificed their children burning them alive. Jews in Carthage in 300 BC who worshipped Baal were also offing their kids. The practice of abducting a non-Jewish stranger, bringing him to their Jerusalem temple, cutting his body up and sacrificing a gentile every seven years was first documented by Greek philosophers and historians Apion and Democritus in 168 BC, well over a century before Christ.
Since the Middle Ages in Europe, traditionally at times of Passover, celebrating Israelites freedom from slavery in Egypt, most frequently led by local rabbis, there have been Jews who have periodically abducted and ritualistically murdered Christian children. There are literally hundreds of documented cases. In Prague in 1067six Jews killed a three-year-old child, puncturing his body to drain his blood that was then given away to other Jews in another city. Less than 80 years after King William Norman first brought Jews to Great Britain in 1066, in 1144 in Norwich Jews apprehended their first Christian child there named William and crucified him on the eve of the Passover ritual in symbolic replication of killing the king of the Christians. But the child’s relative was educated monk Thomas of Monmouth who wrote a book about his murdered relative in an effort to alert parents. In 1290 in Oxford another Jew was caught after a ritual murder of a gentile, resulting a month later in England banning all Jews for the next four centuries. Spain later followed banishing all its Jews from its borders in 1492.
The Frankist Cabbalistic secrets were combined with the philosophical ideals of Enlightenment to lay the fertile groundwork for conflict, revolution, and bloodshed. Frankist infiltrators populated the Hapsburg administration. The Freemasons, Illuminati, and Frankists were secret allies in movement through European aristocracy and nobility. Intermarriage amongst prominent families consolidated power. Frank’s nephew Moses Dobruschka changed his name and entered Hapsburg society as a Freemason. As the Satanists collectively wheeled and deal, faithful to their mission to create chaos out of sin, massive revolt, conflict, and world upheaval followed. Rothschild-Frankist-Freemason-Jesuit members were actively behind the American and French Revolutions, Marxism, Zionism, the Bolshevik Revolution, pro-incest Frankist Freud, and the archduke assassination triggering WWI. Since virtually every war has been ignited by a conspired false flag event, involving secret satanic societies, it would be a safe bet that the Frankist-Freemason-Illuminati-Jesuit-Rothschild nexus is the All-seeing Eye mastermind.
Slowly but surely over the next couple of centuries, their secret plan and vision have come to near full fruition. With Frankist Satanist and other secret society plants saturated in the world of politics, big business, finance, media and entertainment, they’re now vying for full implementation of their New World Order, complete with a one-world government, one world religion and one world army, just a world war and collapsed world economy away.
Many Jewish scholars and writers that only learned of Zevi and Frank from recent books about their life and movement are quick to discard these two messianic cult leaders because, from their Jewish perspective, each converted to an “enemy” religious camp and thus are viewed as irrelevant footnotes, “black sheep” heretic losers leaving an unwanted, shameful stain on Jewish history. What these armchair critics dismissively fail to realize is that Zevi and Frank’s “anything goes because I’m your [satanic] god” ideology and subversive perversion that has co-opted and infiltrated not only three major religions but Freemasonry, and the elite’s power structure is the embodiment of the Illuminati Satanist cult that controls virtually everything on earth. So writing these two guys off as forgotten nobody’s proved only that ignorance is anything but bliss.
The Rothschilds financed the Sabbatean-Frankist movement and, along with a dozen other family bloodlines, are the New World Order’s gold card members atop Satan’s private club, controlling all Western governments (and a lesser extent Eastern ones as well) and the entire Western criminal financial enslavement system that’s ready to crash, global child sex trafficking and human organ trafficking networks worldwide, the globalized mass media empire’s demonic mind control brainwashing as well as the globalized war machine currently plunging humanity into World War III. So it’s more than foolish to underestimate the powerful impact that these two so-called “footnotes” have had on human history.
“People who grew up with the Internet saw what a wonderful thing it was for free expression, giving everyone access to a global audience. That’s been completely flipped on its head, and now it’s one of the most tightly controlled, manipulated places to find information that you could imagine. It’s a complete 180 from what it used to be, and that’s incredibly sad, because it was, initially, this challenge to old information gatekeepers, this place of free expression, of democratized information, and now it’s just controlled by a handful of increasingly authoritarian ideologically partisan tech companies that haven’t been held to account by officials in D.C. and aren’t bound by any regulation preventing them from who censoring people or interfering in elections.”
Technology companies like Google, Facebook, and Twitter and growing increasingly sophisticated in anticipating, intercepting, and suppressing information with the likelihood of going viral.
Talmudic Heresy Traditions Converge with Freemasonry to Deliver Luciferian Bloodlust of Pedophile Sex Rings
Turning to Zevi and Frank’s indispensable NWO ally, the Freemasons’ own encyclopedia makes perfectly clear who the Masons worship:
The promise of life is Osiris. The great doctrine, the great revelation of all the true Mysteries, is that Osiris lives: but he is known by other names. We also, as Masons, look forward to union… with Osiris… To be united with him forever.
Perhaps the most infamous of the Freemasons – Albert Pike, once said, “Masonry is identical to the ancient Mysteries.” Pike also reveals the plain truth that the light of his lord is not God but Lucifer himself:
Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable, blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not!
So the light that every Masonic initiate seeks in actuality is Luciferian darkness. The constant theme by which all these pagan satanic cults operate is through deceit, twisting and inversing everything to obscure the truth. Its presence in today’s Orwellian doublespeak world is in our face at every turn.
As Egyptian pagan god Luciferian worshippers, the Masonic Lodge is also obviously a pagan religion, incorporating all the Luciferian and cabbalistic rituals, doctrines, symbols and occult philosophies rooted in secret Egyptian deity worship. The most well-known Masonic symbol – the square and compass, prominently displayed on Masonic lodges and temples around the world, is strikingly similar to the highest symbol of the occult, the Jewish six pointed hexagram star found on both Israel’s national flag and virtually every Jewish synagogue. As if that’s not glaring enough, the Jewish six-pointed star is also called the Star of Moloch, the satanic god by which children are sacrificed, the same god Hillary’s staff references in an email.
Like the sexual imagery on full display in Egyptian pagan worship and ancient Jewish mythology, Freemasonry is also flooded with phallic imagery in both the obelisk architecture as well as Masonic hexagrams and triangles. And the finishing piece to this satanic hexagram story is that the only reason it’s on the Israeli flag and has come to symbolize Jews is that Mayer Amschel Bauer centuries ago decided to change his name to Rothschild and post the hexagram outside his door, later making it his family coat of arms. Why would Jews choose as their national flag anything even remotely to do with a satanic god that sacrifices children? In keeping with the Frankist chaos and conflict mantra, the Rothschilds, the Zionist founders and the Rockefeller funded United Nations spearheading the birth of the Jewish State in 1948 were no real friends to the Jews. Their loyalty lies much closer to Satan.
The Old Testament refers to the Canaan god Moloch, but other ancient cultures like the Israelites and Egyptians also worshipped Moloch and practiced child sacrifice, and today it’s still being worshipped and practiced through secret occult societies and religious sects like Freemasonry, Sabbatean-Frankism, Illuminati and the Jesuit Order that all share the same fallen angel Lucifer. Such close parallels between Masonry, Talmudic Judaism and Sabbatean-Frankism as offshoots from the same source, the pagan Egyptian Star deity that shares the same secret occult ties as Skull and Bones and the Illuminati all have one thing in common – they all worship Lucifer and answer to Satan.
Freemasonry and the Jewish State bearing direct homage to Egyptian pagan roots also manifest through shared statues, motifs, art, and architecture. Hebrew University and Israel’s Supreme Court building both feature the Egyptian obelisks and Masonic design. Another illustrative example is the Masonic memorial that includes a large Egyptian pyramid showcased on a boulevard in the city of Eilat, Israel. Finally, the founder of the modern Illuminati order and Freemason dabbler and infiltrator Adam Weishaupt was bankrolled in the late 1700s by Mayer Amschel Rothschild, and much of the occultic Egyptian and Masonic-themed architecture and motifs located throughout Israel and springing up across the planet today, all by satanic design, have been funded by that wealthiest Jewish banker family synonymous with New World Order Satanism. A look at the physical layout of America’s own capital city Washington DC is also rife with Freemasonic Luciferian symbols.
Pretty much all the top-level Masons who have ever written about their secret organization and its history, near-unanimously praise Lucifer. Biblically speaking, Lucifer and Satan represent the same fallen angel that Freemasons, Frankists, Illuminati, Jesuits, all worship as their god, in contrast relegating Jesus to “inferior god,” “just another man” status. As we explore Freemasonry and its worship of Lucifer, it’s important to distinguish between the highest levels that do worship Lucifer and Satan (and the 33 degree Masons that run the world), and the vast majority of lower degree Masons who do not worship Satan nor run the world. Lower degree Masons simply don’t have access to it at all.
The U.S. Supreme Court over the years has ruled inconsistently on matters of religious freedom, such as the display of religious symbols in government buildings.
Child sacrifice is the ritualistic killing of children in order to please or appease a deity, supernatural beings, or sacred social order, tribal, group or national loyalties in order to achieve a desired result.
Ritual Child Sacrifice Is Alive and Well in 21st Century America In this nation, children's body parts are sacrificed for witchcraft and food too.
Disney Pedophile's Branson Necker Island 40 Miles To Epstein Orgy Island Global Elite - - Disney Cruise Charged Kids $75 To Visit Epstein's 'Pedophile Island' A Disney owned and operated a cruise line in the Caribbean offered a snorkeling trip for children to Jeffrey Epstein’s notorious “Pedophile Island” for years.
Pedophile and A Pizza Secret Human Trafficking and Child Sex Ring Evidence - - Of course it's possible that the only Pedophile using these words and their kid sex friends. It may be their own private language.
Secret Pedophile's Watch Child Beauty Pageant Glitter Girls Age 4 Thru 8 Yrs. Old -
A child beauty pageant is a beauty contest featuring contestants starting at age 4 to under 16 years of age. Competition categories may include talent, interview, sportswear, casual wear, swimwear, western wear, theme wear, outfit of choice, decade wear, and evening wear. Depending on the type of pageant system (glitz or natural), contestants may be found wearing anything from makeup to fake teeth, known as flippers, as well as elaborate hairstyles and custom-designed fitted outfits to present their routines on stage. - 6,900 Hunter Photo's, Drugs, XXX, Sex Works Etc.
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Evidence Shows Hillary Clinton Is A Robot And Clinton's 100s Dead Body Count Info. -
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In the United States, child labor laws are regulated by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which prohibits the employment of minors in non-agricultural occupations under the age of 14, restricts the hours and types of work that can be performed by minors under 16, and prohibits the employment of minors under the age of 18 in any hazardous occupation. Almost all minors under the age of 18 are subject to California's child labor protections, and dropouts are subject to all state child labor law requirements.
Think All Child Molesters Are Hebephiles-Ephebophiles-Pedophiles Rule the World ? -
International sex trafficking rings are controlled by the elite. Categorizing those that sexually abuse children as predatory pedophiles is not only a common misconception – it’s also dangerous. It gives us a sense that offenders are easier to identify through grooming behaviors or a lack thereof, and easier to understand – that they have a sexual perversion that can’t be cured.
This makes it all the more difficult to understand how someone respected and well-liked could sexually abuse a child, and consequently convict abusers who do not have a pattern of behavior that people would believe would correlate with being a pedophile. For example, those that sexually abuse children may view adult pornography, creating a defense that they must be innocent because they do not exhibit signs of being sexually attracted to children. But, based on the evidence about sexual abuse, sexual attraction to children is not a prerequisite to sexual molesters of children.
We think of sexual offenders as wolves waiting to pounce from the shadows, when in reality – it’s more often the gentle shepherd that we need to focus on. Why is this? Why would seemingly good people sexually abuse children? Decades of research suggests it has less to do with sexually attraction, and much more to do with the psychological issues behind their motivation.
Errors in thinking" drive adult sexual contact with minors I have been asked whether the "errors in thinking" that give rise to numerous forms of criminal conduct apply also to sex offenders, especially pedophiles. The answer is that they do. Specifically:
1. The pedophile does not put himself in the place of the youngster in terms of considering possible psychological damage.
2. The pedophile justifies sexual contact with minors when held accountable in many ways, including saying that the youngster "wanted it." Even if this were the case, the perpetrator knows it is illegal and that not only will he pay a price for this behavior, but the youngster will likely have to face interviews by the police, social services, and others. That is, there is an aftermath that causes suffering even if the youngster willingly participated. While professing how much he cares about the child, the perpetrator of the sexual conduct lacks an operational concept of "injury" to others.
3. The pedophile insists that the behavior be kept secret. He thereby exercises total control over the youngster in order to protect himself.
4. The pedophile is shutting off from awareness deterrents, both in terms of potential consequences of what he knows to be an illegal act, and he is shutting off deterrents of conscience.
5. The pedophile regards his situation as unique and fully acceptable and justifiable after the fact.
6. The pedophile often takes advantage of youngsters who are emotionally troubled and psychologically needy.
7. The pedophile operates in secrecy. He knows right from wrong but what he wants to do is "right" for him at the time.
These are among the thinking errors that underlie adult sexual contact with and exploitation of children.
What are Pedophiles, Exactly?
A pedophile is an adult person (usually male, but can be female) that has a sexual attraction to prepubescent children. They may prefer a specific sex or be sexually attracted to both males and females.
There are also hebephiles – adults attracted to adolescents that have entered puberty – generally aged 11-14 years old.
A hebephile is a person who is primarily attracted to adolescents, or children who have at least started puberty and have signs of adult sexual maturation, but are still young and developing both mentally and physically. Generally, this means young adolescents and pre-teens between 10 and 14 years old. The term and classification has some overlap or even confusion with the term "ephebophilia", which refers to the primary attraction to late- or post-adolescents ages 15-19.
The term is based on the Greek goddess and protector of youth Hebe, but in ancient Greece also referred to the time before manhood in Athens (depending on the reference, the specific age could be 14, 16 or 18 years old). The suffix -philia is derived from -phil-, implying love or strong friendship.
The use of the term has been a matter of confusion and controversy, both in the variations of the definition used by early mental health professionals, and in whether or not it constitutes a mental disorder like pedophilia. Regardless, today the model of an adolescent-attracted perpetrator is a recognized part of profiling offender psychology.
Perpetrator Profile
Hebephilic perpetrators are characterized by their primary sexual interest in adolescents to the exclusion of pursuing relationships with adults, other than to use the adult relationship as a cover or placeholder. While adolescents are in many ways sexually mature, they still share many characteristics with children and are as such not usually considered mentally capable of understanding the consequences of a sexual relationship. In addition, their lack of legal rights and autonomy when under 18 renders them vulnerable to manipulation and abuses of power by adults, especially those in positions of authority over them.
Often, a hebephile seeks out such positions in order to have access and exercise this control over victims. A hebephile's actions may constitute statutory rape in certain jurisdictions.
On Criminal Minds
A pedophile does not become a sexual offender until they act upon those sexual urges, by viewing child pornography, or sexually abusing children.
Since they have an innate sexual attraction to children, those that offend, will seek out children. Some may groom children over a period of time, and others may act impulsively and abuse a child briefly.
Other perpetrators that prey on children, may do so because of sadistic or sociopathic tendencies – they take pleasure in mentally and physically manipulating and abusing others and may also target adults.
So, How is A Situational Offender Different?
If predators are opportunity makers, situational offenders are opportunity takers. – Dr. Anna Salter
Possible Scenarios of Situational Offenders:
They can be family members, teachers, coaches, babysitters, and most juvenile offenders. Examples:
A grandfather that never abused his own children, but molested his grandchildren.
A teacher that seduced a student from their class.
A boy that sexually abused his sisters and her friends during a playdate.
A nanny that took photos of her sexually abusing a child in her care and sent the photos to her boyfriend.
In these cases, the offenders did not necessarily ‘seek out’ an opportunity to abuse a child, but rather, found themselves in a situation that enabled them to abuse a child and took it. Sure – some predatory pedophiles may purposely seek such positions, but situational offenders do not. Grooming techniques may be used, but the basic foundation of trust – and most importantly, access, has already been established.
Why Do They Abuse?
The FBI has established four types of adult situational offenders and the psychological issues behind their behavior:
Repressed offenders
may be struggling with a job loss, divorce, illness, or death in the family or other life issue that is causing feelings of stress or depression.
The morally indiscriminate
may physically abuse children as well as sexually or physically abuse other adults. It’s not about sex as much as it is about control and desecration of another human.
The sexually indiscriminate
may have an addiction to sex and be involved in other illegal sexual behaviors – prostitution, bestiality etc.
The inadequate offender
may be considered a social outcast due to communication barriers or physical differences that make forming intimate relationships with their peers difficult.
Situational offenders often have sexual relationships with their peers, or they may struggle socially and fail to form intimate relationships with other adults. Children are an easy target – easier to coerce, manipulate, control and silence. It is no coincidence that child abuse and animal abuse are connected. Those most vulnerable are at the greatest risk to be targeted by those that seek pleasure in abusing others.
‘Thinking Errors’
While child sexual abuse is morally wrong, many offenders create and reinforce ‘thinking errors’ to rationalize and minimize the impact of their abuse. The inclusive and most detrimental factor of these errors is that they refuse to consider the best interests of the child.
For example:
They may convince themselves that if the child is young enough that he/she won’t understand or remember.
That children are not ‘people’ and do not have the same rights as adults.
That their children are their property.
Abusing children not their own is ‘less bad’ than abusing their own biological children.
That the relationship is loving – that they are filling an emotional need for the child.
That the child wants and/or sought out the sexual abuse and had the developmental readiness to enter into such a relationship.
That they are ‘teaching’ the child about sex.
That if the child consents to the abuse, it isn’t abuse.
That they are not physically harming the child – so therefore, their behavior is not damaging the child.
That the child deserves to be punished.
Aren’t Most Adult Offenders Former Victims?
Hindman and Peters (2001) found that 67 percent of sex offenders initially reported experiencing sexual abuse as children, but when given a polygraph (“lie detector”) test, the proportion dropped to 29 percent, suggesting that some sex offenders exaggerate early childhood victimization in an effort to rationalize their behavior or gain sympathy from others.
Female Offenders
Although limited research exists, it is suggested that for many cases involving female perpetrators the motivation is not primarily sexual, but emotional needs (loneliness, low self-esteem, depression), and that women offenders are more likely to have experienced or be in abusive relationships (sexual, physical, and/or psychological) than male offenders.
Evidence would also suggest that female perpetrators are less “predatory” and lean more toward being “opportunistic” offenders.
Practical Aspects of Rape Investigation, offered the following types of female perpetrators:
Facilitators women who intentionally aid men in gaining access to children for sexual purposes
Reluctant partners women in long term relationships who go along with sexual exploitation of a minor out of fear of being abandoned
Initiating partner women who want to sexually offend against a child, they may do it themselves or get a man or another woman to do it while they watch
Seducers and Lovers women who direct their sexual interest against adolescents and develop an intense attachment
Pedophiles women who desire an exclusive and sustain sexual relationship with a child (a very rare occurrence)
Psychotic women who suffer from a mental illness and who have inappropriate sexual contact with children as a result
Juvenile Offenders
This may be one of the biggest reality-checking curve-balls regarding child sexual abuse. Who would have ever thought up to 35-40% of abusers were older or more powerful children?
Seven out of eight juvenile offenders are at least 12 years old, and 93% are boys. (Crimes Against Children Research Center, UNH, 2010)
What would bring a child to sexually abuse another child?
Sexual curiosity and a lack of proper education and guidance of healthy sexual behaviors
Acting out in response to physical abuse, neglect, or sexual abuse
Sexual abuse as a form of bullying
Sexual abuse as a prank or form of hazing
While recidivism rates are hard to determine due to the challenge that most abuse is not reported, there is evidence to suggest that juveniles respond more positively to treatment than adult offenders.
However, the prevalence of child-on-child sexual abuse is enough to warrant a nation-wide awareness effort for parents and caregivers to educate children on healthy sexual behaviors and remain vigilant for signs of abusive tendencies. Also, given that most children are exposed to pornography before they enter high school, and the growing evidence that such exposure can create dangerous attitudes regarding sex, the threat of sexual abuse by juveniles to increase, not decrease, is certainly arguable.
How Can We Stop Them?
Even though they are not targeting children with premeditated abuse intended, situational offenders may still employ ‘grooming’ tactics to gain access and break down a child’s barriers.
When we say that raising awareness for child sexual abuse is part of the solution – we mean it. Offenders can be deterred when people are educated and talk about child sexual abuse openly. Silence truly does empower abuse because it allows those ‘thinking errors’ space to grow. If no one is talking about it – then it is more comfortable for potential offenders to think about it, and rationalize abuse.
Minimize opportunity – child care centers, youth serving organizations, and schools have a lot of work to do to make their environments safer for children. How they screen applications, train staff, and the policies and procedures they have to make sure conduct between staff and the children are appropriate and increase understanding of grooming behaviors and how to appropriately handle suspected or disclosed abuse. And, there is a lot we can do within our own homes, during playdates, family gatherings etc to keep our kids safe with those we trust the most.
Educate children. Children deserve to know their rights and have those rights upheld by the people who have the power to do so – adults. They need to be told no one – not their parents, not their babysitter, or even their doctor should be touching them in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable – and especially in regard to their private parts. They need to know that it is never their fault and that it is never too late to tell. It should never be a child’s responsibility to prevent abuse – rather, the focus should best be kept on telling someone when they have a concern. And, with so much abuse being perpetrated by other juveniles, all children need to be educated early and often on the concepts of consent, respect, and healthy body boundaries.
Think of prevention education like a security system – awareness is the lock on the door that deters the situational offenders. By working to minimize opportunity and be vigilant for red flag behavior of possible grooming situations – those are the motion detectors that sound off when there is dangerous movement. The educated child knows they can call for help when someone (most likely someone they know) – violates the rules of body safety. Educating children without working to educate the adults that surround our children is, in a way, like leaving the door wide open and leaving it up to our children to defend themselves. - 6,900 Hunter Photo's, Drugs, XXX, Sex Works Etc.
Does this mean we trust no one with our children? No. It means we trust with knowledge and vigilance. Trust is not a gift – it is a continual function of healthy relationships. And when we trust – we verify that trust.
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