Awakening legend power of the SUN GOD Nika and the return of Joyboy after 800 Year

11 months ago

The late King of the Pirates, Gol D. Roger, stirred up the world before his death by disclosing the whereabouts of his hoard of riches and daring everyone to obtain it. Ever since then, countless powerful pirates have sailed dangerous seas for the prized One Piece only to never return. Although Luffy lacks a crew and a proper ship, he is endowed with a superhuman ability and an unbreakable spirit that make him not only a formidable adversary but also an inspiration to many.

Gear 5 ("Gear Fifth") is the awakened form of the Gomu Gomu no Mi, which strengthens the user's rubbery body. It also allows the user the ability to manipulate and transform their environment, similar to a Paramecia's awakening.[2] Luffy achieved this ability during his final battle with Kaidou on Onigashima.

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