Rescued pony was playing alone, now watch when his owner comes along

6 years ago

There are many abused and neglected animals in the world. Some of these poor souls suffer their entire lives in abandonment. Fortunately, some of them are rescued and given a second chance at life. The adorable pony featured in the video below was one of these lucky few. She is called Xanthe and she was rescued by World Horse Welfare.
Xanthe has already been placed in a loving forever home. Now she explores the Scottish Highlands together with her loving owner, Ann Raeburn. Ann adopted the precious girl almost 15 years ago from World Horse Welfare. The duo made their very first journey through the hills together in 2009. They covered 50 miles in the multiday trip.
Now Xanthe and Ann take multiday trips of over 200 miles together! Xanthe is well trained to pull Ann in a cart, but when she has trouble, she doesn’t hesitate to ask for help either. Ann then gets off and leads the pony up the hill.

Check out their beautiful friendship below! What did you think about this? Share your thoughts in the comments section!

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