Yeah, You Run With That: Jen Psaki And MSNBC Panel Mock Illegal Immigration Voter Concerns

11 months ago

There wasn't a whole lot of excitement about Super Tuesday in 2024. The nominees for both parties are pretty much set. Sure, Nikki Haley will continue to annoy everyone because she's won Vermont and the Republican stronghold of ... Washington, D.C. And someone named Jason Palmer seems to have won the caucus held in American Samoa. OK. But face it, America. Election 2024 will be a rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, for better or for worse (we're betting on worse). But setting the actual voting results aside, there are some interesting things to talk about from Super Tuesday, such as voter concerns. Traditionally, the economy has always been the number one concern of voters, at least in presidential races. But in 2024, it looks like illegal immigration might give the economy a run for its money for the top spot.

It's not hard to figure out why. Officially, more than 7.2 illegals have invaded the border under the Biden administration (not counting the 'got-aways' which are probably several million more over the past three years). And recently, the ties between illegal immigrants and violent crime have begun to be noticed not just in border states, but all over the country. But don't tell that to Jen Psaki, Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, and the rest of the brain trust at MSNBC though. They seem to think it's a real hoot that Virginia voters might be upset about illegal immigration. -- MSDNC panel mocks the fact immigration is a top issue for voters across the country:

Jen Psaki: “I live in Virginia. Immigration was the number one issue…you’re thinking like what?!”
Joy Reid: *laughs*
Rachel Maddow: “Well, Virginia does have a border with West Virginia!”

And here we thought no television panel could possibly out-stupid The View. Boy, were we wrong. 'HAHAHAHAHA, those silly Virginia voters. Why do THEY care about illegal immigration and crime?' The smarmy, smug condescension -- not to mention contempt -- is off the charts.

• More at: Twitchy - Yeah, You Run With That: Jen Psaki and MSNBC Panel Mock Illegal Immigration Voter Concerns

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