Spiritual Recalibration | Galatians 3:2

6 months ago

Let me ask you only this: Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law or by hearing with faith? — Galatians 3:2

CALL OUT: Today, our callout goes to Darwin Saunders at Next Step Recovery Home in Houston, TX. Thanks for serving men in this way. I would love to find a way to give group homes and recovery homes biblical resources this coming year. If you know a director at these homes across the country, please contact me.

The rhetorical question posed to the Galatians is meant to challenge their reasoning and drive them to a different logical conclusion. The obvious answer to Paul's question is that they did nothing to gain the Spirit because it was a gift dispensed by Jesus that could only be received by faith.

This again reinforces the logic that faith in Jesus both saves and sustains. This means every step we take post-salvation is not a return to works done by our strength but works done by the Spirit, who is our strength. Of course, the result is good works, but these good works are merely an overflow of believing by faith. They do not trust in our ability, skill, talent, or effort, which only puffs us up and diverts us from the sustaining work of the Spirit in us.

It's important for believers to calibrate this connection. If we don't, we become "hypnotized fools," as Paul declared in Galatians 3:1.

So, I have a question for you today: Do you need calibration? Are you giving too much credence to your abilities, skills, talent, and effort? If so, it's time for a spiritual recalibration. Here's how to do that. When you have that inclination to trust yourself today, don't. Don't! Trust instead in Jesus and place your faith in Him and the Spirit he has placed within you. His Spirit has all the ability, skill, talent, and effort you need.

#FaithOverWorks #SpiritualRecalibration #TrustInJesus #SurrenderToTheSpirit #WalkingByFaith


How can you actively surrender your self-reliance today and trust more fully in the guidance of the Holy Spirit?
In what areas of your life do you find yourself relying on your own abilities, talents, or efforts instead of leaning on the power of God's Spirit within you?
DO THIS: When you have that inclination to trust yourself today, don't.

PRAY THIS: Lord, help me to let go of my reliance on my own strength and abilities, and instead, trust fully in Your Spirit to guide and sustain me each day. May my faith in You grow stronger, leading me to live a life that glorifies You in all that I do. Amen.

PLAY THIS: Direction.

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