Now It's Aliens Xenomorph Cocoons - Disturbing Discoveries - Sure, Why Not?

1 year ago

Plural. First one was found in north fields on opposite sides, just a day or two ago. Don't like that OR the horror show timing coincidences. OR the fact that if I can stumble across and happen to spot 2, that means there are 2 billion more out there. Surrounding me. Warming. Waiting to hatch.
A friend graced me with zoom camera tech and this seems an ironic first choice. Educating myself with manual before first button this time (and dammit, snowed again last night but should burn off today). Meantime I am NOT calling the Custer Forest district office with this one. Must jump into the rabbit hole of insect egg cases and other cheerful things. Will post this for the record in case I find no match. Outside of LV-426, that is.

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