Cute Pet Owl Captivated By Windshield Wipers

7 years ago

Imagine what it would be like to understand everything your pet is saying to you. You’d know when they are truly hungry or when they are just vying for your attention. There would be no more incidents and you’d know when it’s time you put on your clothes and take your pet for a walk. To sum it up, life would be much easier.

But not knowing how the cogs turn inside your pets’ mind has some allure too. Not understanding them has made us learn a few new ways to communicate with them. We know that all it takes is a certain look to know when they want us to put them more water in the water ball or that a tilt of the head means that they are confused about a certain thing and they want to learn more. Well, at least we think that’s it, if you ask a cat, they would probably tell you that they are looking at you that way because they think you aren’t quick enough to find the sock they stole from you last week and hid it underneath your bed. Either way, there are some telltale signs and they make our lives easier.

At times, ‘though, knowing how our pet <a href=”” target=”_blank”>reacts</a> to a certain thing can give us quite the entertainment and this footage is a great example for it. Check out this pet owl that is simply fascinated with the <a href=”” target=”_blank”>windshield wipers</a> of his owner’s car. The reels are turning in his head and he is trying to figure out how they work and why they are on. His head tilt is just the cherry on the top!

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