Episode 1931: St. Fridolin

1 year ago

St. Fridolin, also known as Fridold or Fredelinus, was a legendary Irish missionary credited with spreading Christianity among the Alamanni people and founding Säckingen Abbey. While details are debated by historians, here's a look at his traditional biography:

Origins and Early Life:

Believed to be Irish nobility, St. Fridolin is said to have first spread Christianity in his homeland. Following a vision, he traveled to France, settling in Poitiers where he rebuilt a church destroyed by Vandals.

Mission on the Rhine:

Accounts say another vision directed him to an island on the Rhine River, inhabited by the Alamanni, a Germanic tribe.

The Alamanni initially mistook him for a cattle thief, but he eventually gained their trust.

With a gift from King Clovis I, he established a church and monastery on the island, now known as Säckingen Abbey.

Later Life and Legacy:

St. Fridolin is credited with further missionary work, possibly founding a monastery in Constance, and spreading Christianity in the region.
He died on March 6th, with the year variously placed between 538 and 540.
He is revered as the "Apostle of the Upper Rhine" and the patron saint of the Swiss canton of Glarus.

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