Modern Mama With SEVEN KIDS Expects A High Value Man - GTFO!

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You just cannot make this up! The most recent video clip released by Ace Metaphor's popular "Tonight's Conversation" tour shows a lovely lady who has SEVEN WHOLE KIDS, asks whether she is still "deserving of love"? The look on Ace's face reveals the answer, though he dares not say so out loud (it's OK Ace, we not gonna knock your hustle!). It wasn't long before the aforementioned clip made the social media rounds, and lo and behold, Dr. Boyce Watkins deigns to weigh in. He, in turn was quickly clowned for his obsequious brown nosing, revealing the sobering fact that Black men are no longer interested in "stepping up" to foster another man's kids - especially if said man didn't have to put a ring on it himself to get those kids in the first place. Have Black men finally accepted the New Normal that is the Modern Black Woman? We'll find out TODAY on Obsidian Radio, ONLY on Rumble!

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