Slander and bearing false Witness…Idle Words, spoken with Serpents Tongues 🎺 Trumpet Call of God

11 months ago

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Slander and bearing false Witness…
Idle Words, spoken with Serpents Tongues

August 2, 2011 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of the Lord, spoken to Timothy, for all Those who have Ears to hear

Thus says The Lord… Who are these who speak dark counsel, without knowledge? Who are these who walk about in arrogant accord, with their foreheads wrinkled and their hearts hardened? Who are all these who speak with serpents tongues?!… I do not know them! From them My spirit is far removed! Their houses shall be devastated, for they have brought swift destruction upon their own heads!

Yes, I am The Lord who is bringing swift destruction upon the houses of the wicked!… Even upon every one who has come out to fight against Me! The cleverest among them shall be made the fool, and the most cunning shall be left to their own devices… And who shall deliver them?!

Therefore, come out against Me, all you mockers! Says The Lord. For behold, this dying generation ceases not from mocking MY word and those sent to them. Come forward therefore, and secure yourself among their ranks, that you may share in their reward!

Be set apart in your unjust cause, set yourself hard against My will, until it consumes you! Increase your slander and continue in your false witnessing, that I may repay you!… Prepare yourself for death! For all those who rebel against Me, and seek harm against My messengers, have made themselves meet for destruction!

For I have prepared a fire! Behold, it is already kindled!… Lo, within the mouths of My witnesses I have placed coals from the altar, and I shall surely increase their flame, until every scoffer is put to shame, and everyone who slanders is uncovered and sent away in their nakedness.

For the pride of the wicked is a hook by which they catch themselves, and their arrogance is a bridle by which they lead themselves into rebellion against The Lord. Therefore, because you have raged against Me and your tumult has come up into My ears, I will put My hook in your nose and My bridle in your lips, and I will turn you back by the way which you came… Says The Lord.

Thus says The Lord to all those who call of themselves Christian, yet never cease from pushing out the lip against The Lord’s anointed… Your error is very grievous! Hold your tongue! Lest all I have spoken concerning the scoffer and the wicked come upon you, leaving your houses utterly devastated and your sanctuaries in ruinous heaps! For it shall surely be accounted to you, in accordance with your every idle word, says The Lord your God.

REPENT THEREFORE! And turn back from this wicked way you have chosen… And I may yet have mercy upon you.

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