Pervez Agwan Gives us His Opinion on TRUMP

6 months ago

Pervez Agwan Gives us His Opinion on TRUMp
Minnesota voters explain ‘uncommitted’ vote
For Minnesota voter Charlie Bartlett, picking the “uncommitted” option in the state’s Democratic primary is an opportunity to “hold our own side accountable, to really make them listen to what the people want”.

The 27-year-old was one of several Minnesota voters who told the Reuters news agency they would be joining a protest vote against Biden, opting for “uncommitted” instead of supporting the incumbent.

At issue is Biden’s support for Israel’s war in Gaza. Walter Fromm, 26, said he is trying to rally fellow members of the state’s Jewish community to choose “uncommitted”.

“I’ve reached out to my entire Jewish community here in the Twin Cities,” he told Reuters. “We need a permanent ceasefire now. We need aid and restoration and support for 1.9 million starving Palestinians in Gaza.”

Asma Nizami, an organiser of Vote Uncommitted in Minnesota, said she believes the protest campaign has already prompted a change in tone from the Biden administration. She pointed to a speech on Sunday from Vice President Kamala Harris, voicing support for a temporary ceasefire.

“I don’t think the vice president would have made such a sweeping statement if Super Tuesday wasn’t happening, and we have been seeing the same thing with President Biden,” she said.

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