American Independent Party: Jim Gilchrist calls on Minutemen to help Hurricane Katrina victims (September 1, 2005)

11 months ago

Jim Gilchrist, the American Independent Party (Constitution Party of California) candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives, makes a brief appearance on KFI's "John and Ken Show" during a American Red Cross benefit for victims of Hurricane Katrina.


JOHN, CO-HOST: We’ve got Jim Gilchrist here, just to Ken’s left.

KEN, CO-HOST: Yeah, Jim wants to come by to talk about calling up the Minutemen to help out.

JOHN: Jim, we almost said that as a joke before, but you want to send some Minutemen to New Orleans?

JIM GILCHIRST: Absolutely. John, KFI has an international reach over the internet. You probably get 25 million listeners at any time. I think I can reach out to all the thousands, there’s about 20 thousand Minuteman Project volunteers and honorary members in all fifty states. I’d like to have this opportunity to ask them to please report to your local American Red Cross or Salvation Army and offer up as much as you can in resources, your time, money contributions, or whatever your talents are. This is all about Americans helping Americans--and that’s certainly what the Minuteman Project always wants to be about.

JOHN: Thank you for that. That’s excellent. Jim, you know, is running for Christopher Cox’s seat in this district, which includes Laguna Woods, against 16 other candidates, and he’s suing to get his description on the ballot to be listed as “Minuteman Project Founder.” Any progress in that suit? When’s the hearing?

GILCHRIST: Well the progress is that for the first time in my life, I’ve started to like lawyers.

KEN: [laughs] It can be helpful! People tend to like lawyers when they’re on your side.

JOHN: No, we found that out with the lawyer, what was his name, Peter Lepiscopo, who was key in getting those illegal immigration forms to continue happening, because the illegal immigrant activists were trying to shut them down with threats.

GILCHRIST: They were trying to suppress First Amendment rights against all Americans--and that’s something I’m very passionate in defending. What Attorney Lepiscopo did, he should get a Medal of Freedom for. It was incredible.

JOHN: Now, what’s your situation? When is the hearing to see how you’re going to be described on the ballot?

GILCHRIST: John, that will be tomorrow morning, apparently, decided by a judge. And we’ll see what happens.

JOHN AND KEN: All right, well, thanks, Jim for stopping by. Jim Gilchrist.

GILCHRIST: Just one final plea to the Minutemen around the country--all 20-30,000, maybe 80,000 of you now--please, volunteer your time, your resources. Whatever money you can afford, give it to the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army. Let’s help those Americans in New Orleans, in Mississippi, in Alabama, all of them. Please. Thank you very much.

JOHN AND KEN: Thank you very much. Jim Gilchrist.

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* "TRANSCRIPT: Jim Gilchrist calls on Minutemen to help hurricane victims"., 1 Sep. 2005.

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