Experience a live Concert at Purple Bee in Volente, TX

11 months ago

We’re not just a world-class recording studio & production soundstage, Purple Bee is a unique live music venue - a creative oasis, a haven for musical exploration, and a veritable honey-pot for those magic, lightning-strike moments of inspiration! 🍯

🐝 Join us for a show - its an unparalleled live experience. VIB tickets include complimentary drinks, snacks, and wireless headphones, providing you with an all-inclusive journey through the concert. Immerse yourself in the sounds, sights, and vibes of Purple Bee at our Volente, TX studio, just a scenic 30-minute drive from Austin. Snag your VIB Tickets now and be part of the musical magic!
⚡️ https://purplebee.org/

Highlights from our recent show with Brodie Lane - Shoutouts & thanks to our collaborators Garcia Kopriva, Floki fire, Real Spirits Distilling, The Goose, GNR8, Beachside Billys, Pure Gold Realty, Guayaki, ShowMe Pizza, Austin 101 Whiskey, Time2Fly Music, Limecreekroad. edited by DBOZ. music by Brodie Lane.

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