Article 4691 Video - Fraudulent Tax Sales - Monday, March 4, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

11 months ago

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Article 4691 Video - Fraudulent Tax Sales - Monday, March 4, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Not only can they not establish the existence of any debt while using Federal Reserve Notes (the use of fictional money leads to fictional debt) so long as you are properly declared, and properly object to the use of Federal Reserve Notes, and properly express the fact that you are not a corporation and not acting as the representative of any corporation ---- they can't mount a tax sale of your property if you separate it from the "public interest".

What they actually sell at Tax Sales is the piece of public road easement running alongside your land and the copyrighted number-name address they have assigned to it.

So, you do unto them what they have done unto you --- if your driveway and electrical service, etc., has been in place at least ten years.

Example: the City of Phoenix, Arizona, issues a land description and address for your house and calls it: 8978 Yuma Heights. You, however, decide that you prefer the name and address 9022 Aztec View Drive, and you provide a metes and bounds or other physical survey to define exactly what portion of the land and driveway, etc, is yours. So you go to the State of State Recording Office and record the name change and physical description.

You have now separated, defined, and named your own private property apart from the "public interest" of the road easement.

The money someone paid at that Tax Sale for the road easement goes into the State Trust and the State Trust is responsible for paying all road maintenance, etc.

Essentially, the vermin are trying to double-dip.

They are getting you to pay the expenses of the State Trust, so that the State Trust -- which they use as a giant Slush Fund -- is topped off, when you are supposed to be the Beneficiary of the State Trust and shouldn't have to pay any road maintenance or fire service or other such fees at all.

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