Cuckoo on a Choo Choo

11 months ago

~ Supplemental Material ~

"It is like a man on a journey, who left his house, gave authority to his servants, gave each one his work and commanded the doorkeeper to be alert. Therefore be alert, since you don't know when the master of the house is coming - whether in the evening or at midnight or at the crowing of the rooster or early in the morning. Otherwise, when he comes suddenly he might find you sleeping. And what I say to you, I say to everyone: Be alert!"

- Mark 13:34-37

There are many people that are Christians, that find it fashionable with believing that God is going to take care of everything, so there's nothing to be concerned with. This extends into being focused only on positive events.

On the surface, that appears to be the correct way that all Christians should go about life. Having "faith in God," places everyone that believes in Him; not being concerned with anything going on around them.

The problem is that line of thinking; it contradicts the Passage that is placed at the top of this post. Out of all 4 Gospels, 3 of them; Jesus says the exact same thing, concerning the observation of world events; so that His followers are ready for His return.

Every time Jesus shared the indicators of His return; none of them has a discovery of good events transpiring. The same holds true with the Epistles and of course, forget about the Book of Revelation.

Which means, Jesus is COMMANDING His followers to look into the darkness. It's also important to note that, every time Jesus covers this issue; He says the "wicked" or "unrighteous," doesn't not look for His return. Those that do NOT watch and are ready; will be sent to Hell.

Why is that? Taking aside a person choosing to be ignorant as to events occuring around them; being an action of disobedience; this is the behavior of cowards. To bury one's head in the sand because what goes on in the world; is a result of fear.

"The one who conquers will inherit these things and I will be his God and he will be my son. But the cowards, faithless, detestable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars - their share will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death."

- Revelation 21:7-8

Biblical faith in God, isn't closing one's eyes and pretending that nothing bad is happening. That perspective is a result of making God like Santa Claus; having Jesus your "beta" male, bosom buddy (with homosexual tendencies) and attending a church, where the "pastor," is more like that of a life coach versus a teacher of truth.

Christians with this type of orientation; have a faith that's more akin to a drug addict. Someone that's avoiding life. This type of spiritual existence, isn't God honoring but self gratifying. People who call themselves "spiritual" but say they are not part of a religion; they pick and choose what they want to believe.

Besides being at the wrong end of the afterlife; where instead of having a meet and greet, at the pearly Gates; such individuals will be at the worst barbecue anyone can experience. Moreover, these "don't worry, be happy" crowd; will be fish in a barrel, unless someone's actually there to save them.

We are living in times, where choosing to shut your eyes, will get you killed. True faith in God, is to look at the situation and accept what is occurring. Despite how ugly it may seem; recognizing that they aren't victims of circumstances but take on the challenges that are before them. For greater is with those that are true believers than what's in the world.

Those who are in pursuit of honoring God's commands, the resources below will provide material that will fulfill those that are the chosen ones. The first link addresses one of the biggest issues that every American has to face.

The next on the list; reliable sources for global and national news:

For all those that live in the State of Hawaii:

For all those that feel that God is leading them to Hawaii or move within the State; here a resource to check out.

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Post Scriptum: In the "Show More" section (which is right under the date that a video was posted; the number of views; as well as tags given); it's always good to check it out, at least when it comes to this channel. There's usually tons of added information and resources. Those wondering why so wordy? People give it so many different names, that people sometimes won't find the part that's recommended.

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