American Independent Party: Jim Gilchrist on The John & Ken Show (August 31, 2005)

9 months ago

Jim Gilchrist, the American Independent Party (Constitution Party of California) candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives, is interviewed on KFI's "John and Ken Show".


"JOHN AND KEN, HOSTS: Let’s get Jim on the line here. Jim?


JOHN AND KEN: So what do they want you to put next to your name? “Retired accountant?“

GILCHRIST: I don’t know. We’re holding for my designation. I’m known more by “the Minuteman,” the word “minuteman,” than I am by my own name. I continually have people tap me on the shoulder in stores or at Starbucks or gas stations, and they ask me, “Are you that Minuteman guy?” And then I tell them my name, and they vaguely remember the name.

But I ought to change my name legally to Jim Minuteman Gilchrist.

JOHN AND KEN: Yeah. That’s a smart idea. You should!

What was their ruling? Why did they rule this way? What did they claim was not right about using “Minuteman Founder”?

GILCHRIST: Apparently, it didn’t fall under the definition, the legislated definition of an appropriate name. Now, that’s the contention of the--not of the legislature or the secretary of state--it’s an agency of the secretary of state who made that decision. And our attorneys in Sacramento say that that decision was incorrect. It was tantamount to taking the law into the agency’s own hands and determining what the law should be instead of relying on the primary code.

JOHN AND KEN: Well what is the law? What does it say?

GILCHRIST: Apparently, no more than three words designating either the principle professions, vocations, or occupation can be used to describe the candidate.

JOHN AND KEN: Profession, occupation?

GILCHRIST: Yes. And so I guess the first thing is that I’m Director of the Minuteman Project, or Minuteman Project Founder, Minuteman Project Director, Modern Minuteman--and that’s how everyone knows me. That’s what I do.

JOHN AND KEN: And that’s what you do full time now, I guess, or close to it.

GILCHRIST: Yes. I’m a retired CPA. I’m no longer an accountant.

JOHN AND KEN: Right. So you’re not employed in any way.

GILCHRIST: No, not at all.

JOHN AND KEN: You’re retired.

GILCHRIST: Yes, and I spend 40-50 hours a week managing this Minuteman Project--and I’ve been doing so for over a year.

JOHN AND KEN: I understand you’re even at the border now, aren’t you?

GILCHRIST: I will be there on September 16, and also again on October 1, and I was there for six days during that California Minuteman gig where we got shot at.

JOHN AND KEN: Yeah, but it seems to me if you were running a charity or a foundation, without pay, they would allow you to use that designation. Right?

GILCHRIST: Yes, and this is something for the lawyers to haggle out. Apparently a judge will make the decision. We did succeed in having the ballots not go to print last night at 5:00 p.m., and now we’ve got until Friday, apparently, for the judge to decide, to give a decision on this. Either Mr. Gilchrist can go with “Director, Minuteman Project,” or he cannot. We want to know one way or the other. To me, it’s very important because many people do identify me as “the Minuteman” as opposed to Jim Gilchrist. It’s more easily identifiable.

JOHN AND KEN: And it’s what you do!


JOHN AND KEN: I think what they don’t want is something that would amount to a campaign slogan, which is maybe what a lawyer or some lackey in the secretary of state’s office had determined--that “Minuteman Project” is not just a job, I mean, it’s a movement. It’s an incendiary term for some people. And it’s a great slogan.

GILCHRIST: It’s almost a way of life now.

JOHN AND KEN: Right. But I think, if you compare it to running a charity, and you’re working on it 40-50 hours a week, and you’re no longer employed as a CPA because you’re retired, I think it fits. That’s my legal interpretation anyway. But I’m not a judge.

Now unfortunately, you’re also going to be the last name among the 17 listed, huh?

GILCHRIST: Yes, apparently, that was by random selection I came out last. Maybe that’s an omen that will mean I’ll come in first. I don’t know. [laughs]

JOHN AND KEN: It could be! Do you believe that, or did somebody rig it?

GILCHRIST: I don’t know. When I first saw it, I thought, “Now, what are the chances I would just come in last?” Maybe--I don’t know. I doubt that anybody rigged it. It’s just the roll of the dice.

JOHN AND KEN: John Campbell is 2nd. [laughs] Yeah. How did that happen? How did John Campbell get 2nd and Jim Gilchrist gets 17th? [laughs]

GILCHRIST: [laughs]

JOHN AND KEN: But somebody named John Kelly, a former councilman and merchant is first. Yeah, I don’t know who that is. They just didn’t want to overdo it, right? So they put Campbell 2nd.

GILCHRIST: [laughs] Well, if John came in first then I would be suspicious. But I’m in a good position. I’ll stay last there. It will be obvious.

JOHN AND KEN: Yeah, that’s true. I mean, being . . .

GILCHRIST: Hey, you know, after 17 candidates, I am the only one with any visible, proactive history of actually supporting the enforcement of U.S. immigration law. Is that incredible?

JOHN AND KEN: [laughs]

GILCHRIST: The other 16 candidates have no history whatsoever.


GILCHRIST: And I’m going to hammer them on that, right until election day.

JOHN AND KEN: Now, apparently on Sunday you’re going to have a rally. Why don’t you tell people about it.

GILCHRIST: Sunday, the rally will be right outside Saddleback Church in Mission Vejo. It will be about 200 participants. Not in the church grounds--it’s outside of those church grounds.

JOHN AND KEN: It was from 10 to noon, I understand.

GILCHRIST: Yes, and then a meeting at my campaign headquarters in Lake Forest. I’ll be there arriving a little bit late. I’ll be with Tom Tancredo and some Republican assembly-men and -women from all over the country, about 250 of them having their national convention in Scottsdale Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I’ll be there speaking in behalf of Congressman Tancredo.

JOHN AND KEN: All right. Again, the website is .

GILCHRIST: Yes. And that’s not to be confused with However, I’m known by both names.

JOHN AND KEN: All right, Jim. Good luck. I hope they give you that Minuteman designation on the ballot, but good luck to you anyway.

GILCHRIST: Thank you, gentlemen. Have a good day."

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* "TRANSCRIPT: Jim Gilchrist on the John and Ken Show (KFI 640 AM)"., 31 Aug. 2005.

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