Chinese Nationals Running Black Market Marijuana Farms?

6 months ago

Fox News Channel has been reporting how Chinese immigrants are running many different illicit marijuana grows in the United States. Please watch this short report and share with your friends and neighbors.

BACKGROUND: According to the UK Daily Mail,

"Chinese gangs have set up thousands of illicit weed farms across the US as they begin to challenge Mexican cartels for supremacy as America's cannabis kingpins.

"Authorities in Oklahoma, Oregon, California, New Mexico and Maine have all been battling a surge in Chinese weed farms, with some thought to be linked to criminal gangs known as 'triads'.

"The spread is seemingly uncontainable, with police in Penobscot County, Maine, last week arresting three Chinese nationals at a weed farm and seizing 40 pounds of the drug alongside $4,700 in cash.

"It is thought to be one of around 270 illegal weed farms worth more than $4billion that have sprung up across the state since it legalized the drug in 2020. "Local law enforcement has carried out multiple busts already this year."

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