MR. NON-PC - Ignore Black Mass Shootings...And Go Look At The Eagles Nest

11 months ago

Mannnn ohhhhh mannnnn another dayyyyyyyy in the MopeyWorld!

We've been seeing such a barrage of pure hatred for white people by the Helter-Skelter-Race-Baiting/White/Straight and Christian-Hating Media lately, and not to mention Google with their Anti-White "Gemini" A.I program that came out recently.

Look at the amount of black ultra-violence and black mass shootings that have been taking place since the BLM Buttsucking summer of 2020...mannnn it's off the damn charts!

And the evil media, and the satanic U.S Government is doing everyone a complete disservice and putting everyone in complete danger by LYING about the amount of black violence, and suppressing the sky high crime that they're purveying.

Look at the Kansas City SB parade shooting....complete crickets!

And you knew damn well that it wasn't white people that were involved, because if they were, then it woulda been plastered all over the lame stream 24/7!

And instead they want the pussified, wussified and WEAK PC-Peeps to instead "go look at the eagles nest on webcam" whatever you do IGNORE THE BLACK MASS SHOOTINGS!!! That's the attitude of the evil media and the satanic U.S Government...ya gotta say NO and debunk their crap!!!!

It's up the the NON-PC people like you and me to DEBUNK the crimes and EXPOSE the black names and crimes, don't allow THEIR MISINFORMATION to run wild.

Keep rejecting it! Say NO and REJECT THE LIE!!!!

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