PUN 104!

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Patriots Must Unite NOW Before It's Too Late!, Warmonger-Jew Vicki Nuland Will Leave US Dept. of State(A Huge Patriot Victory! A Victory for All Humanity!), SCOTUS Rules 9-0 That Demonrat Judges on CO Supreme Court Can't Keep Trumpy Bear Off the Presidential Primary Ballot(Another Patriot Victory!), A Presumed Jew Judge(Nominated by Ronny Reagan)Tells the Patriot State of TX to Drop Dead, Why Is Mitch McChao Waiting Until November to Step Down as GOP Senate Leader?, The Strange Death of McChao's Sister-in-Law Angie Chao, There's Nothing Super About " Super Tuesday, " Two Black Males Are in Custody Over the Stupid Bowl Parade Shooting, MSNBC: the Most Anti-White Network on Television, The Jewish Mafia: the Elephant in Washington Hardly Anyone Wants to See, Inter Alia

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