The Rapture of the Church | What Does The Bible Say?

9 months ago

Everything thing you need to know about the Rapture of the Church in one clear, compelling, and comprehensive guide!

Available now:

The Crucial Question …1
Setting the Eschatological Scene …8
Preliminary considerations and definitions …10
A simple rule for interpreting prophecy …12
Brief definitions of key eschatological themes …13
What is the next event? …29
The Rapture of the Church …44
Rapture?...what Rapture? …46
Where are the dead? …50
The Rapture plausibility! …51
The Rapture’s timing …60
The post-Tribulation Rapture theory …64
The mid-Tribulation Rapture theory …65
The pre-Tribulation Rapture theory …68
The Rapture and the Bible… …72
A New Testament rationale …74
Some things Jesus said …77
Some things Paul wrote …93
Will the Church experience God’s wrath? …102
More of what Paul wrote …110
An Old Testament rationale …116
Introducing the appointed festivals of Leviticus 23 …118
The timing of the appointed festivals …120
The festival of Passover …123
The festival of Unleavened Bread …126
The festival of Firstfruits …131
The festival of Pentecost …134
The festival Day of Trumpets …139
The Day of Atonement …154
The festival of Tabernacles …163
Conclusion: Leviticus 23 is fulfilled through Jesus …167
Other biblical considerations …171
The disappearance of the Church! …172
The ‘Rapture’ of John …176
Those who live in Heaven …179
Something Peter wrote …181
God has not finished with Israel! …182
The bride of Christ …185
An unknown season …188
Resolving potential difficulties …190
Dual referencing …190
Who are the ‘elect’? …195
The Last Day? …197
The chronology of 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 …204
Should Christians prepare for the Tribulation? …206
Is the Rapture doctrine only 200 years old? …206
Does Rapture teaching encourage apathy? …207
The word ‘Rapture’ is not found in the Bible! …208
Further biblical considerations …210
What are we waiting for? …210
Who are we watching for? …211
Heaven is our home! …211
Did Isaiah foresee the pre-Tribulation Rapture? …215
Another Rapture-type event? …216
The obvious must not be forgotten! …217
It makes sense …218
Conclusion of this section …221
The Rapture Relevance… …226
The necessity of faith in Jesus… …228
The urgency of salvation… …234
The obligation of holiness… …238
And the answer is?... …253
Appendix A: The Olive Tree – Reasons to Pray for Israel …258
Appendix B: The Tribulation – Daniel’s 70th Week …279
Appendix C: The Coming King: Prophetically Perfect Timing 285
Appendix D: The Millennial Kingdom – Thy Kingdom Come ..305
Appendix E: Make Jesus your Saviour & King …326
Appendix F: Left Behind - What if you missed the Rapture? …328


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