Biden Secretly Dumped 320,000 Illegal Immigrants Into 43 US Cities

11 months ago

Outnumbered 2/5/24 -- Elon Musk says Biden flying 320K ‘unvetted’ migrants into US sets stage ‘for something far worse than 9/11’

Efforts by open-border Democrats to blame the growing big-city migrant crisis on Texas and its program of busing illegal immigrants north are being upstaged by a new investigation showing that President Joe Biden has secretly flown hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants from Latin American airports to 43 U.S. cities.

The unusual program, kept from the public, involved at least 320,000 illegal immigrants the administration admits are “inadmissible” immigrants, far more than previously reported.

Despite facing a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit from the Center for Immigration Studies, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection has refused to identify the 43 airports it is dumping immigrants at after direct flights from Latin America.

“While large immigrant-receiving cities and media lay blame for the influx on Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott’s busing program, CBP has withheld from the Center — and apparently will not disclose — the names of the 43 U.S. airports that have received 320,000 inadmissible aliens from January through December 2023, nor the foreign airports from which they departed,” a CIS report shared with Secrets said.

New in its investigation is the administration’s claims it is keeping the cities secret because it is concerned “bad actors” might “undermine law enforcement efforts to ‘secure the United States border’ if they knew the volume of CBP One traffic processed at each port of entry,” the center said, citing an email it received.

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