7 months ago

Universe Inside You - Copied and Post under the fair use act.
As of Jan.01, 2024, after 2 years until the terms of agreement, Rumble has changed them. However, no notification was sent or otherwise known to be given. Furthermore, as recently as this past week*, I recognized the old terms posted as if in effect, from Jan. 2022.

This may be the last of videos copied and shared, until further notice, by any continued postings. This so stated on March 06, 2024.
*"week" = week of 7 days or less.

Our planet isn't even that old.
If you don't understand how quickly processes can be sped up, then don't bother with criticizing, much less watching such mind provoking material.
You don't deserve such imagination tweaking! ...
You're already reliant upon what you THINK you know.

How about an intriguing theory?
What if the Tisul princess was Eve / Avva or one of her children? The family was kicked out of the garden of paradise and went to the east.

What if the east, at the time, is now north, due to pole shift, yet leaving Jerusalem at the center of the Earth, near the equator?
The ramification would be that the Earth has a pivot point located there!

Just a thought.

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