Mass Effect - A Progressive Disease - American Krogan

1 year ago

Original description:
(Originally published on BitChute, September 12th 2020)

For some people, it was always blatantly obvious that Mass Effect was "woke," but for others, I think it's been very easy to cope. This video is meant to get those people thinking about the path that's led us to the social politics of 2020 and the role Mass Effect has played. That said, this video doesn't include everything I could say about the original trilogy, for example, if you guys want, I can make a video about how Krogan society is modeled around a gynocractic fantasy of overcoming patriarchy or I could discuss the Semitic undertones of the Quarians.

In terms of pinpointing where the "progressive disease" originated in the Western world, I could have compared and contrasted the roles of the French Revolution, 19th century Suffragettes and Abolitionists with those of 20th century Boasian Anthropology, Judeo-Bolshevism, and Neo-Liberalism, but that might have been a bit excessive, considering what the scope was here. It certainly would've added another 30-40 mins, and I wanted to keep this video under an hour.

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