YYV2C12 Yada Yahowah Observations Covenant Knowing It Has Been Revealed…

11 months ago

A Shabat Study of Yahowah's Torah. Join a group of Yah's family as we delve into the Towrah of God. We will expose religious corruption while more importantly espousing Yah's Torah truth. Hosted by the author of Yada Yahowah, An Introduction to God, Observations, Coming Home, Questioning Paul, Prophet of Doom, and Tea with Terrorists.


0:00:07 In the previous chapter, we were treated to a partially amplified presentation of the majestic prophecy foretelling the arrival and purpose of the Passover Lamb...
0:16:04 Before we continue with Yasha’yah / Isaiah 53, we are going to explore the many ways Yahowah describes His Zarowa’.
0:20:00 Yisra’el has not changed her collective mindset toward Yahowah and the people have not been comforted.
0:25:30 The timing and the purpose of this invitation from our God is derived from the context that Yahowah’s prophet provided...
0:33:52 The pronouncement that her battles are over takes us to Kipurym and Sukah in year 6000 Yah as we stand with Dowd.
0:28:29 Yasha’yah’s prophetic pronouncement concludes by affirming that our analysis has been correct...
0:44:41 Just as the Ruwach | Spirit was presented as vital to the Choter’s performance, She is seen here as the active force behind the Basar, enabling him.
0:48:03 The Qowl of the Basar will proclaim Yahowah’s arrival in the skies above Jerusalem.
0:51:01 One of the reasons that we are addressing God’s intended compensation for a job He must consider well done is that pe’ulah is a different word saying the same thing.
0:57:07 We will not be lounging around getting fat, eating bonbons...
1:01:06 When investigating the full ramifications of zarowa’, we ultimately find ourselves in Solomon’s company...
1:08:51 Solomon’s impassioned plea for Yisra’el’s survival serves as a prophetic endorsement of Yada Yahowah.
1:13:29 Now that we are better prepared to answer the question Yahowah asked of Yasha’yah, let’s return to the 53rd chapter...
1:17:01 Recognizing that “our” speaks of a unified position regarding the role of the Zarowa’, my ‘aman asks Yisra’elites to identify a single individual...
1:22:32 However, it is apparent that the Choter | Sucker is a quick study and deep thinker...
1:25:36 God’s final Witness lies behind the words of the prophets and lets them speak for themselves...
1:31:28 Yada’ is presented as a participle noun...
1:35:22 So, credit Satan for turning the degradation of Dowd and ignorance of his role as the Zarowa’ into a quagmire of highly virulent religious buffoonery.
1:42:01 Had this prophetic portrayal of our salvation through the fulfillment of Pesach and Matsah not included the two references to the Zarowa’, we would not have known that Yasha’yah was speaking of what Dowd would accomplish on our behalf.
1:46:32 And as we know on Bikuwrym, Dowd was released from She’owl and was reunited with his Father – becoming Yahowah’s Firstborn.
1:52:30 The rationale behind Pesach and Matsah is to allow Yahowah, through the sacrifice of Dowd as the Zarowa’ to remove the yeast...
1:55:21 The story of Pontius Pilate capitulating to the plot of rabid rabbis and washing his hands of the affair is religious propaganda...
1:57:18 The Messiah, himself, revealed the exact day he would arrive and then explained in excruciating detail what would be done to him.
2:02:40 With the Mishpat and through the Miqra’ey, Yahowah honors His promises to deliver the Covenant’s benefits.
2:08:50 When Yasha’yah received this prophecy from Yahowah, he would have been keenly aware of what Dowd had written in Mizmowr 22 and 88...
2:25:02 Our Father offered His Son on Pesach...
2:30:44 God anointed him Mashyach | Messiah on three occasions...
2:35:16 Moreover, Dowd is the ultimate gift...
2:37:04 Early and often, Yahowah reminded ‘Abraham that there was a wonderful inheritance associated with His Covenant.
2:39:44 Before we move on and return to Yahowah’s prophetic testimony as it is recorded in the third chapter of Yasha’yah | Isaiah, there are a couple of loose ends we would be wise to tie up.
2:46:59 Our Heavenly Father grows through the relationships He develops with His children...
2:54:06 But no matter how many English “translations” claim otherwise, shama’ does not mean “obey.” It only means “to listen.”
2:55:38 As was the case with shama’, shamar has been corrupted to create a false impression...
3:04:23 The moment God said that the reason the Covenant’s blessings were being provided was because ‘Abraham had observed the Towrah, He completely undermined Pauline Doctrine and destroyed Christianity.
3:05:33 We turned to this passage because we were interested in affirming the Towrah’s role with regard to the Covenant.

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