The Shocking Unbelievable Truth about Nicotine & the Role it had in the Covid Plandemic – Dr. Ardis

6 months ago

This is truly shocking and this shows just how corrupt the FDA has been for a very long time.

After watching this you will have more evidence that this Covid Viral Scam to Vaccinate the world was a PLAN.

In 1994 the CEO’s of Seven Major Tobacco Corporations in the United States Swear that Nicotine is Not Addictive.”

In August of 1994 the FDA Panel ignored their testimony and said Nicotine was addictive. “The amount of nicotine delivered by currently marketed cigarettes is likely to lead to addiction in the typical smoker.”

Trust me, there is a reason behind this, because if cigarettes were as deadly as the covid jabs, they would not be saying this.

Then the FDA made the tobacco companies put a warning sign on the box about Nicotine being an addictive chemical.

Nazi, Joseph Goebbles said:

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained for only such a time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic, and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all its powers to repress dissent, for the TRUTH is the Mortal ENEMY of the Lie, and thus by extension, the TRUTH is the GREATEST ENEMY of the State.”

The TRUTH is that Tobacco is actually NOT addictive and the head of the Tobacco Companies were right. They knew it the whole time.

They testified in front of Congress. If they were lying to Congress that was a punishable offense.

If you search online and through the various “Science” Journals you find article after article that states Nicotine is addictive.

They even developed a Vaccine in 2005 for Nicotine Addiction. Which is mind blowing fraud.

The FDA knew it and the CEO’s knew it. They went on a multiple decade propaganda campain.

In 2015 Harvard did a study with animals with Nicotine to find out how addictive it was compared to the most noted addictive drugs in history. They discovered it wasn’t addicting at all. Not ONE single animal became addictive to Nicotine. They wrote FOYA requests to the FDA to see studies going back to 1970.

What they found was that it is NOT Nicotine that is making cigarettes addictive. It is CHEMICALS in which the Tobacco companies hired to make their cigarettes Addictive.

The second highest Nicotine containing plant after Tobacco is Eggplants.

Tomatoes are next.

Bell Peppers. Zucchini has Nicotine. All White Potatoes. Celery had Nicotine. Cauliflower has Nicotine.

Nicotine by itself is NOT addictive, it is a nutrient.

The Nicotine Patches are a Placebo, which answers the question why they simply don’t work most of the time.

Dr. Ardis says that Parkinson’s can be healed by eating Nicotine containing plants.

Why is Nicotine Demonized then? Why did the FDA lie for so long?

In order to make sure enough Adults became sick from COVID they had to make sure there were not as many people as in 1994 where 51% of adults were using tobacco. They went on a 25 year campaign of getting people OFF of cigarettes. By 2020 according to the same CDC data, less than 11% of American adults smoke or use tobacco products.

They said this lie REPEATEDLY, they said LOUD enough, and they said it LONG enough so that everyone bought into it.

By the time Covid hit, 90% of people were susceptible of getting sick by their Covid Bioweapon.

The SMOKERS, for the most part were NOT even Effected by Covid. They didn’t end up in hospitals from Covid and they didn’t die from Covid.

This is why they lied. Nicotine was the Antidote to their Bioweapon.

This was published in April of 2020. It was the Spike Proteins that was equivalent to Snake Venom, that made people sick. The France Scientists said that the explains why Smokers don’t get Covid.

Why? Because these two Venom Proteins – Spike Proteins, only target NICOTINE Receptors that control your breathing and your brain stem.

These venom’s cross the blood brain barrier very easily and binds to nicotine receptors which control your diaphragm's ability to breathe, it causes slower heart rates and it mimic’s respiratory syndromes.

You develop a cough and a fever and you feel like total sh*t. You feel like you are dying.

The medical field thought that their main “customers” during Covid would be smokers, they cleared their hospitals expecting them. BUT, it was the smokers who were NOT showing up.

This perplexed the medical field worldwide. They appeared to be immune to Covid.

Scientists said that Nicotine must be studied for ending Covid.

Cigarettes contain 599 chemicals and the paper of the cigarettes contain Arsenic. It is NOT the Nicotine that is causing the cancer and death.

Why would the FDA allow this and then say Nicotine is the culprit of cigarettes?

They deemed Nicotine a DRUG, when it is in about all veggies.

EVERY CELL in the body has at LEAST 10 Nicotine Receptors. It stimulates cells to function.

The Bioweapon, Covid is a Nicotine Receptor Targeting Agent.

Joe Biden is now putting in LAW that Tobacco companies have to LOWER their Nicotine.

Nicotine is a reversing agent for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Multiple Sclerosis, Hypothyroidism, Brain Cancer and helps with Dementia.

Nicotine REVERSES Myocarditis.

If you don’t know this, the DRUG Companies can sell you their POISONS.

Go Figure.




The Dr. Ardis Show --



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END. 3/5/2024.

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