Yes, marriage today is worth it for men

11 months ago

Conservative—and especially Christian—men should not be degrading or discouraging marriage. The same goes for women. We can have a clear-eyed, realistic view of the risks without ceding it all to the enemy.

How exactly do you propose to move forward, to win elections, to improve anything, or—most importantly—to SERVE GOD, if you eschew marriage? The family is the building block of western civilization, and it is foundational to our American freedom. Strong families don’t happen without strong marriages.

It may very well be harder today than ever before, but that isn’t a reason to give up. The radical left wants you to give up. The elites want you to give up. The Enemy wants you to give up. It would bring him great pleasure to see most of us single, miserable, childless, resentful of the opposite sex, living alone in our tiny apartments, our family legacies dying with us…

Don’t give him that satisfaction.

The Bible is clear that marriage is designed by God and that most people—unable to be celibate—are called to marry. The Bible is clear that sex outside of marriage is wrong for both women AND men. Men are further called to love their wives as Christ loved the Church. Is Christ’s love for the Church “easy” or “fair”? Was it easy or fair when He died for us? Were the conditions ideal? Did He complain?

Men complaining that something is “too hard” or “not fair” is frankly very off-putting. Men giving up is even more off-putting. And I know a lot of you don’t like hearing this from a woman. You don’t like women saying that marriage is good and that men shouldn’t shun it. To that, I say: fair enough. So you know what? I can give you a lengthy list of men who say the exact same.

But more significantly than any public figure, YOUR PASTORS should all be saying it—and if your pastor isn’t saying this, get a new pastor.

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