11 months ago

KOALA RESCUE Inc received a call from a most concerned member of the public, who reported that they had found a koala on the ground at the base of a tree. However, there was also a second koala involved.
On arrival the rescuer located both a deceased adult female koala and a second adult male
It is always devastating to attend a rescue involving a deceased koala, but it was even more heartbreaking to witness the male koala actually holding and hugging the deceased koala.
This type of behaviour is rarely witnessed by our rescuers, but confirms the empathetic and caring nature of koalas.
Our rescuer retrieved both koalas and after ensuring that the male koala was in good condition, released him nearby.
This male koala’s reaction to death, really does represent the truly beautiful nature that koalas are capable of demonstrating.

We would also like to personally thank the members of public both Daniella and her daughter who called in this devastating scene and stayed with them both until our rescuer was able to arrive. They have seen and cared for both koalas for some time now, with them coming and going through their property. Without concerned citizens like themselves KOALA RESCUE Inc wouldn’t be able to function. We are forever grateful for the kindness and effort they put into looking after our koalas.


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