""I Gotta Feeling" You Will Love This Video"

7 years ago

"Who doesn't know the "I Gotta Feeling" song? If you have never heard it, this baby is about to teach you all the words. He knows the words by heart and not only that, but he also sings the tunes! Yep, this little one is a talented musician. His mom helps him out a little bit, but he manages well on his own as well. This song is everyone's Saturday night jam, so if you have not heard it before, better listen carefully. This little one is about to show you how it is done. Sing along with him, and wait for the end. That must be the highlight of the song! Although, it might be better not to repeat that last part when singing in the club! LOL! This video will make you smile all day long, and it will also teach you a new song! Prepare yourself, because we have a feeling you'll love this video!"

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