The Great Deception

1 year ago

Just like every other Nation in History turned against the Jews, the Germans did it for all the same reasons. The gameplan for the Zionists is the same wherever they go.

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Anyone who has never heard of the Khazarian Mafia should research who they are and join a few dots. The real Jews who are not zionists have been duped by the zionist's "Rabbinic Judaism" which has pushed the Talmud into the Torah. But it wasn't just the real Jews who were duped,but everyone else in Christianity and Islam. The controlling factions of all three main religions are all the same satanic bloodlines, they just wear a different identity but share the same ultimate goal of a New World Order, through control and deception. The German regular army was deceived as was every other military, the Nazis were the jackboots of the zionists wearing Hugo Boss. Hitler's father was a Rothschild, and Rothschild's are khazarian zionists. When the sleeping masses realise that the truth is mentioned in a famous quote by Lenin

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves"
- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

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