151. Stealth Infections & Chronic Disease - Part 2 - Dr. Lewis

1 year ago

Everyone is familiar with acute infections like colds and flu. And, everyone is familiar with chronic diseases. But very very few have connected the two. On important reason is the concept of crypticity. That means, it is difficult to associate symptoms with an exposure.
Another key point is chronic infections seldom satisfy the gold standard of Koch's and Hill's criteria for infection.
Dr. Lewis explains this connundrum.

12:04:19 From Louise Vogel : What’s Scalar?
12:04:53 From Steve : Anyone else think the BioMagScience magnets on the top of the head may have improved their sleep?
12:06:02 From Steve : Replying to "What’s Scalar?"

Louise, search startpage.com for:

jason shurka scalar
12:06:30 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : You can see the Ring of Fire in the brain with a SPECT scan
12:06:34 From Louise Vogel : Replying to "What’s Scalar?"

12:06:37 From Doug Leonard : Yes I do. I was using melatonin and then started with Biomagnet and I'm having consistent good sleep. Going to try it out with a friend who is a non-believer but who has horrible sleep. We will see
12:08:01 From Martha : Steve and Doug – Which/what magnet(s) do you use? For how long? And do you place them on the crown of your head? On your third eye?
12:08:15 From Steve : Replying to "Yes I do. I was usin..."

Doug, your experience is the exact same as mine re the magnets.
I was able to stop the melatonin as well.
12:08:54 From Doug Leonard : Replying to "Yes I do. I was usin..."

👍We will slowly spread the word
12:09:38 From Brenda : Replying to "Yes I do. I was usin..."

Was there a webinar on the bio magnets?
12:10:07 From Brenda : Replying to "Yes I do. I was usin..."

I have the round red and black ones. Would those work?
12:10:57 From Steve : Replying to "Steve and Doug – Whi..."

Martha, you know, the BioMagScience neodymium magnets whose proponent was on HRP a while back.

I put them on top for months. They were so effective that I'm wearing them less now, but the sleep improvement has been stable.
12:14:44 From Doug Leonard : Replying to "Steve and Doug – Whi..."

Agree with the above, crown of the head not forehead. It's just part of my routine. I have a wonderful head of scalp and can just tape it on. green side down. His package has good details about usage
12:14:47 From Brenda : Replying to "Steve and Doug – Whi..."

How do you get them to stay on the top of your head?
12:17:28 From Doug Leonard : Replying to "Steve and Doug – Whi..."

For my friend I was going to have him tape it to a Yamaka and then attach with hairpins
12:18:15 From Steve : Replying to "Steve and Doug – Whi..."

cc @Brenda I use a hat. Put one magnet under the hat and the other on top of the hat.
12:22:08 From Martha : Replying to "Steve and Doug – Whi..."

Not to be an idiot here but is the “crown” the exact top of the head (i.e., the “highest peak”!) or is it slightly “behind” the exact top of the head (i.e., where people tend to show “balding”)?
12:23:49 From Steve : Replying to "Steve and Doug – Whi..."

I don't think it matters all that much, but I try for the exact top.

Here's the cap that I use which works very well:

12:24:54 From Martha : Replying to "Steve and Doug – Whi..."

Steve and Doug – Which size magnets do you (personally) use? And forgive me for asking the obvious, but do you put the green or the red side of the magnet facing your scalp?
12:25:42 From Doug Leonard : Replying to "Steve and Doug – Whi..."

I'd draw a line between ears and where that line intersects with a line from your nose to back of the head would be the spot. It is not exact as the magnet puts out a field that penetrates deep enough to affect the pineal gland that is instrumental to production of melatonin and induction of sleep
12:25:51 From Martha : Replying to "Steve and Doug – Whi..."

Steve and Doug – This is all so incredibly helpful! Thank you! Do we need to be careful about having the magnets too “close to” digital devices?
12:26:31 From Doug Leonard : Replying to "Steve and Doug – Whi..."

I use the dime size magnet with green side on the skin, red being away from the body
12:26:46 From Louise Vogel : Replying to "Steve and Doug – Whi..."

Thank you for this info
12:27:12 From Maura : Do you think cataracts are caused by occult infection
12:27:34 From Brenda : So the Brownstein protocol could resolve that?
12:27:40 From Sharon Kelly 85532 : How do I find out about Bronstein -Protocal?
12:28:12 From Maura : Replying to "Do you think catarac…"
Demodex infection ?
12:28:44 From Steve : Replying to "Steve and Doug – Whi..."

Use two magnets, one under the hat/tape, and the other above the hat/tape.
12:29:32 From Brenda : Dr Lewis, Do you think the Vibrant Wellness tick born illness 2.0 is a good test for Lyme and co-infections?
12:30:30 From Steve : Replying to "Steve and Doug – Whi..."

@Martha Nothing that I can think of in these days of digital media. The old days with magnetic tape, that would have been a different thing
12:32:17 From Martha : Steve – Do you use the dime size (as Doug does) or what?
12:32:36 From Steve : Replying to "Steve – Do you use t..."

Yes, but you use two of them.
12:34:13 From Martha : Replying to "Steve – Do you use t..."

Confirming – So 2 of the “dime-size” magnets with the green side of both facing “down” – and use of that wonderful “skull cap” that I have just now ordered from amazon – Yes?
12:34:37 From Steve : Replying to "Steve – Do you use t..."

Yup, that's it.
12:35:04 From Doug Leonard : Replying to "Steve – Do you use t..."

You are on your way! Give us feedback on how it goes.
12:36:10 From Sharon Kelly 85532 : What was the other cause toxin Parkinson Dr Carter mentioned besides glyphosate?
12:36:30 From Martha : Replying to "Steve – Do you use t..."

THANK YOU, Steve and Doug!! Thank you both! I have been using the x39 LifeWave Patches by day, and they are so effective (i.e., they so increase my energy) that I now have trouble sleeping at night! There is obviously an upside and a downside to just about everything in life!!
12:37:58 From Doug Leonard : Paraquat, "This salt is one of the most widely used herbicides." Wikipedia
12:38:44 From Pam "east coast" Iowa, US : Replying to "Steve – Do you use t..."

Parkinson's disease - imho - caused and/ or contributed to by agricultural chemicals. Growing up on a farm, many farmers developed Parkinson's later in life
12:39:33 From Sharon Kelly 85532 : Costco took Round UP Off the shelves..now back, but they say that the new Roundup doesn’t have glyphosate
12:41:03 From Brenda : Who is the dentist that you all recommend for cavitation surgery?
12:41:13 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : https://www.healthrevivalpartners.com/product-page/myperiopath
12:41:39 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : This is the link for Oral DNA
12:42:10 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "This is the link for..." with ❤️
12:42:43 From Joel B Peterson : Replying to "https://www.healthre..."

Thank you Doc, so glad your here!
12:43:08 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : YouTube just removed my video on The Real Pandemic
12:43:24 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "YouTube just removed..." with 💪
12:43:50 From Brenda : What is it? Mouth related?
12:44:04 From Joel B Peterson : Thank. You Dr Lewis, and Carter for input🙂
12:46:03 From Steve : Replying to "YouTube just removed..."

Ya think the Bolsheviks that run y/tube have an agenda :*)?
12:49:57 From Joel B Peterson : Replying to "YouTube just removed..."

Do you have a copy of it, and if so, can you put in chat, or send to me?
12:51:02 From Louise Vogel : Replying to "YouTube just removed..."

I think many of us here would like to access it...
12:51:14 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "I think many of us h..." with 🙏
12:53:07 From Steve : Chemo does not kill C stem cells
12:53:14 From Jimijames : Went to dentist for root canal issue, 3d beam xray, surgery to cut off end of root and says I need two more root canals. This is my upper front teeth. I left cause I dont want to do that and am lost what to do.
12:53:20 From Brenda : What is the best way to heal the terrain?
12:53:40 From Jimijames : Reacted to "I think many of us h…" with 🙏
12:54:01 From Steve : Replying to "Went to dentist for ..."

If was me I'd do ozone injections into the tooth root.
12:54:46 From Jimijames : Replying to "Went to dentist for …"
Who does that?
12:55:04 From Steve : Replying to "Went to dentist for ..."

You'd want to find someone in your area.
12:55:25 From kath : Replying to "Went to dentist for ..."

Steve, do you have a tutorial on that?
12:55:41 From Jimijames : Replying to "Went to dentist for …"
Ok thanks
12:56:37 From Brenda : You could try urine therapy. Some say it can help with dental infections. Just swoosh around in mouth. Another option is Briotech mouth rinse which is HOCL, I think. It is called Brio SOS.
12:57:33 From Joel B Peterson : Replying to "Went to dentist for ..."

You can also look for a biologic Dentist
12:58:17 From Joel B Peterson : Replying to "Went to dentist for ..."

I don’t remember what the national sight is for looking for that type of dentist in your area
12:58:54 From Martha : Replying to "You could try urine ..."

Or you could actually drink your urine – a la Dr. Edward Group.
13:00:59 From Jimijames : I am central rural missouri, not much here
13:01:16 From Martha : Was the dentist – Dr. Griffin Cole?
13:01:51 From Ferd Berfel : A stubborn case of EBV - could I tilt my dietary consumption toward more lysine than arginine, and thus starve the virus into submission?
13:01:52 From Martha : …the good one from several weeks ago!
13:02:53 From Steve : Replying to "You could try urine ..."

Don't think those options will get into the root area
13:03:03 From Brenda : Do you think the Oura ring is good for monitoring sleep, etc?
13:03:07 From Steve : Replying to "Was the dentist – Dr..."

Yes, that was it
13:03:23 From Martha : Replying to "You could try urine ..."

Very funny, Steve!
13:03:39 From Steve : Replying to "You could try urine ..."

13:03:53 From Jimijames : Replying to "You could try urine …"
The thought does get to the root
13:04:17 From Martha : Replying to "Do you think the Our..."

ABSOLUTELY YES!!!!!!!!!! …not as good for “assessing” daytime markers – but nighttime – YES!!!!
13:04:48 From Steve : Replying to "Do you think the Our..."

@Martha how is you HRV?
13:04:54 From Martha : Replying to "You could try urine ..."

@Steve @Steve I meant that certainly the urine won’t “penetrate”!
13:05:45 From Brenda : Do you like the Vibrant tick born test?
13:07:33 From Jimijames : Thank you!!!!!!

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