[2] Trey Smith: Secrets on Sumerian Stones: Documentary on the Bloodlines following Noah's Flood

1 year ago

[1] Trey Smith: Secrets on Sumerian Stones: Documentary on the Bloodlines following Noah's Flood:

Trey Smith: Secrets on Sumerian Stones: Documentary on the Bloodlines following Noah's Flood
Secrets on Sumerian Stones is a documentary by Trey Smith: https://godinanutshell.com/
Tower of Babel: FULL FILM: https://godinanutshell.com/2021/08/15...

Secrets on Sumerian Stones takes a journey into the world directly following the Global Flood of Noah, Biblical Nimrod and the Tower of Babel.

Whilst many believe these events as myth covered in the opening pages of Genesis; the physical evidence of them upon examination is quite overwhelming. In this film, we will look at that evidence.

Secrets on Sumerian Stones is part III of the Genesis study by the God in a Nutshell project.

Genesis Study IV, titled "Tower of Babel" is immediately available for partners/streaming at: https://godinanutshell.com/

The Tower of Babel is available at God in a Nutshell.

It is a 2 hour ride far deeper into the actual Tower of Babel and story of Nimrod.

Pansy and the Promise by Stan Rule: http://pansyandthepromise.com/

Rocketman by Mike Hughes: https://buyrocketman.com/

God in a Nutshell books: https://godinanutshell.com/product/ex...

God in a Nutshell books (Amazon): https://www.amazon.com/Nimrod-Tower-B...

Secrets Sumerian Stones Music:

Trevor Demaere:

/ trevordemaere

Efisio Cross:

/ efisiocross

Mattia Cupelli:

/ mattiacupellimusic

God bless all of you.


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