"The Garter Removal - What Has This Groom Found?"

6 years ago

"Weddings are such amazing and fun events! They are true celebrations of love, life, and family, as well as friendship and tradition. Two people who have fallen in love and want to commit themselves to each other for a lifetime, gather their families and friends to mark this very special and always unique occasion. But, what makes weddings unforgettable? Great humor and wedding pranks! It is really important to keep the guests entertained all the time, and one of the best ways to do that is to incorporate some funny wedding games, and one of the craziest one is called "The garter removal." If you've never heard about it, check out this video and find out how hilarious it is! This tradition requires the groom to remove the garter hidden beneath the bride's dress. Once the garter is removed the groom tosses it to all the single men, and you really want to check out what has this groom found!"

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