🩷 barbie effect 🩷

1 year ago


look like a perfect barbie doll, naturally shiny beautiful hair, symmetrical face, sparkly big eyes, proportioned flawless nose, luscious and full lips, flawless glowing skin, melodic beautiful voice, impeccable taste, unique style, radiate confidence and elegance, everyone admires and respects me, I am a role model, magnetic aura, extreme luck, success follows me, exude charm, sophisticated style, I carry myself with poise and grace, feminine strength, I am a center of attention, amazing energy and charm, fearless and powerful, magnet for love and happiness

-any race
-100% safe
-includes a booster
-can be combined with other subliminals
-headphones recommended, but not neccessary
-listen in a comfortable volume
-you don't have to look at the picture
-listen how many times you want, I recommend twice a day

you can leave your suggestions for future videos in the comments below!

disclamer: subliminals work through the subconcious mind, it's a system of beliefs that I and many people share, it may take some time before you see the results. subliminals are not a substite for a professional help.

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