"Toddler Cries Because She Has Too Many Toys"

7 years ago

"This adorable toddler is crying because she has too many toys! Now, this is a video we never thought we would see. When children cry about toys, is it usually because they want another one, or because they lost one, but not this little girl. She is crying because there is just too many of them! But, when her mom offers to throw some away, she says no. So, we guess having so many toys is not such a problem after all. LOL. Even though toys are extremely fun to play with, they also have many benefits for children. While growing up, children are eager to learn about the world around them, and every toy is a new experience. Each toy is different. Different color, shape, texture, and they all make different sounds. By playing with them, children discover their senses. Toys simulate their vision, coordination and many other skills."

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