。・*.☆ princess subliminal ☆.⁠*⁠・⁠。 [looks & treatment]

11 months ago


this subliminal is designed to make you look like a princess, get princess treatment and respect from everyone, exude feminine princess aura, elegance, charm and grace and make everyone admire you.

-any race
-100% safe
-includes a booster
-can be combined with other subliminals
-headphones recommended, but not neccessary
-listen in a comfortable volume
-you don't have to look at the picture
-listen how many times you want, I recommend twice a day

you can leave your suggestions for future videos in the comments below!

disclamer: subliminals work through the subconcious mind, it's a system of beliefs that I and many people share, it may take some time before you see the results. subliminals are not a substite for a professional help.

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