"Wedding Breakdance Fail"

7 years ago

"Oh, weddings… The rare occasions where the adults can make a complete fool out of themselves. Just check out this wedding breakdance fail video and see for yourself. nThe guy from our video is an experienced breakdancer, that’s obvious. He starts throwing himself on the ground, busting some awesome moves. But then, the inevitable happened! He kicked one of the lady guests directly in the legs. Luckily, she’s not hurt and she took the hit with the smile. What a cool lady!nDid you notice that weddings make people go totally crazy? We have to assume that all that adrenaline in the combination with the happiness of seeing someone we love getting married brings out the craziest quirks in people. That’s probably the reason why some guest tries out insane things, like breakdancing in a crowded and small room. Fortunately for us, this kind of behavior results in awesome and funny videos! Just keep up with the wedding craziness, people!"

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