Lost in Japan between anime ,manga and reality - Part 2

1 year ago

Lost in Japan between anime ,manga and reality
By Alessandro Carosi

I lived in Japan for a short time but the memories I carry with me are the most valuable that no amount of money could buy ,there are many things I do not agree with this country but the experience I had while living there is a treasure that I will never forget.

Kaori and me had to leave Australia and thought would be a great experience for me to visit and live for a while in her home country ,her family agreed to let me live with them ,something truly amazing if you know Japanese mentality ,her family was well travelled and open minded so didn’t mind to host a Gaijin for so long ,I was excited to move to the land of the rising sun ,I grew up watching Japanese cartoons ,anime ,manga and a famous Japanese TV show called Takeshi Castle always made me wondered how Japan would really look like ,now I had the chance to discover it.

Kaori flown first and I would reach her a month later to spend my last few weeks visa left in Australia where I was working in a cafe’ in Perth ,time arrived and almost missed the flight ,I bought only one way ticket cause I didn’t know when I would leave Japan but at the check in they told me I couldn’t boarding ,by Japan’s laws I needed to purchase a return ticket too ,it was too late to go back home trying to find a cheap deal and I had one day visa left ,what to do ? what to do ? I had no choice then to buy a ticket at the airport that I knew would be expensive and damn ,it was extremely expensive ,I didn’t let the episode ruin my excitement for the new adventure ahead ,at finally I got the plane destination Japan. …. https://anextraordinaryandordinarylifeblog.wordpress.com/2019/01/16/lost-in-japan-between-anime-manga-and-reality/

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