The End of All Things is at Hand (Live Service 2024 March 4)

11 months ago

The Early Church did not view history in terms of kings and kingdoms but by God's Redemptive plan. This is why the Early Church believed they were in the End Times nearly 2,000 years ago. God's redemptive plan was completed on the cross. As Peter tells us, the end of all things is at hand. Each day that passes brings us one day closer to Christ's return. Today, we are far closer to that promised eschatological reality than Peter when he penned 1 Peter 4:7. If his instructions were important so long ago, they are far more important to us, living nearly 2,000 years later. As we witness the signs of the times being fulfilled around us, our response becomes much more important. Rather than gaining a deeper intellectual understanding of the times, there are specific actions we must be taking daily. Join us this week as Dr. Chris Anderson shares Peter's instructions for how we are to respond to present eschatological realities.

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