Michael Moore Informs Jews Their Enemy Isn't Palestinians But White European Christians

11 months ago

Didn't Michael Moore make a movie a long time ago? MSNBC decided to drag him out after "uncommitted" made a good showing in the very Muslim state of Michigan. Even Rep. Rashida Tlaib has said she's uncommitted to voting for President Joe Biden because he supports Israel (or used to, at least). MSNBC reported that Michigan's uncommitted voters had sent a warning to Biden, but Moore explained to the Jews that their enemy for the last 2,000 years has not been Palestinians, but white, European Christians. Yes, Germans started the Holocaust, but plenty of white Christians from America and Europe fought a war to stop it and liberate them. Moore is really desperate to convince Jews that Palestinians aren't their enemy — white Christians are. -- Michael Moore says Jews should focus on fighting against white Christians, and that white Christians are their real enemies.

It wasn't white European Christians who paraglided into Israel on October 7 and slaughtered more than a thousand innocent civilians. It's not white European Christians who have pledged to eliminate Israel. White Christians are the best friends the Israelis have in their fight against Hamas. "Christian nationalists" are the Left's bogeyman now that white supremacy has fizzled out from overuse.

• More at: Twitchy - Michael Moore Informs Jews Their Enemy Isn't Palestinians but White European Christians

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