Comment 35: The Truth About The Black Church: An Insightful Perspective

1 year ago

Comment 35 is on the TRUTH and EDUTAINMENT channel. Contrary to popular views, the Black Church is not dead. In fact, it is alive and well. The Black Church today is what it has always been.... an escape route for Black people where the gatekeepers are the pastors, the deacon board and the board of trustees. Everyone that comes to partake of the elixir must pay. This ESCAPE FOR PAY, came into existence because Black people have consistently failed to understand the source of Supremacy and have been under White Supremacy, Oriental Supremacy, Muslim Supremacy, Jewish Supremacy and many others since 750 A.D.; in fact, as far back as 652 A.D., in our modern times. Virtually every word out of an individual's mouth, the vast majority of his or her actions, attitudes, mindsets and beliefs and every man made thing he or she touches or uses, hears about, reads about and sees are the evidence and proof of the 4 Pillars.

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