This Guy Eats Babies

10 months ago

This guy eats babies.

It's not hard to believe, is it?

You know how after a while, an alcoholic begins to look drunk, even when he's not?

And how someone who smokes pot looks high, even when they're not?

It works the same way for people who practice SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse), up to and including eating babies. They start to look the way they look when they're doing all that ... Even when they're not doing any of that.

Watch the video.

I think you'll see what I mean.

It is said there is a vast tunnel network beneath Oral Roberts University and that this type of thing takes place in those tunnels, and in special rooms and amphitheaters built off the sides of these tunnels.

Please note: This is not satire, or hyperbole, or a joke. For that, I always try to put "#satirealert" at the bottom of the post. I'm explicitly and intentionally NOT putting that on this post.

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