Mold, Mycotoxins And Your Brain - Andrew Campbell, MD (March 2021)

10 months ago

Mar 27, 2021
“Mold, Mycotoxins And Your Brain” is the presentation shared by Andrew Campbell, MD at the March 16th, 2021 Zoom meeting of the Silicon Valley Health Institute.

You are what your brain is. Your brain makes you how you are: your personality, your character, your ability to be happy and enjoy life, your emotions, your ability to learn, your daily actions and reactions, how and what you pay attention to, all of these and much more derives from your brain. Your brain’s health is vital to your wellbeing.

Our brain is a unique and extremely complex organ, and the only one completely surrounded and protected by bone: the skull. It weighs about 3 pounds, about 2% of our body weight, yet uses 20% of our calories and of our oxygen, and 30% of our glucose. The brain receives the freshest and most oxygenated blood as it is pumped out from the heart. The brain has the texture of tofu and is made up of approximately 100 billion neurons and we have 400 miles of blood vessels to bring oxygen and nutrients to all those neurons. Each neuron has approximately 1000 synapses. According to the World Health Organization, diseases caused by mycotoxins are many and mycotoxins are known as the “Great Masquerader” of the 21st century due to their ability to present in patients a number of nonspecific clinical signs and symptoms and not routinely suspected by the medical establishment.1 Many patients get misdiagnosed with Lyme disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, or eventually psychiatric disorders such as adjustment disorder, depression, and others.
Mold and mycotoxins have been implicated in contributing to various diseases including Autism, Alzheimer, Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gherig’s disease), and Multiple Sclerosis: Dr. Campbell will give an evidence based presentation with case reports.

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