The Pathway to Health from Lyme Disease - Becky Plotner, N.D. (December 2021)

1 year ago

Feb 9, 2022
"The Pathway to Health from Lyme Disease" by Becky Plotner, N.D. was the presentation at the December 21, 2021 Zoom meeting of the Silicon Valley Health Institute.

The infectious disease known as Lyme borreliosis, or Lyme disease, is the most common infection due to tick bites and sometimes also to other stinging insects in the Northern Hemisphere. Although estimates vary and it is likely that the number of cases worldwide is much higher, there is general consensus that the disease affects hundreds of thousands of individuals a year in North America, Europe and northern Asia with incidence of the infection on the rise. The etiologic infectious agent, Borrelia burgdorferi was identified by Wilhelm “Willy” Burgdorfer it in 1981 and, since the original observation limited to arthritis, the clinical spectrum of the infection now includes a variety of clinical conditions such as erythema
migrans, acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans, lymphadenosis benigna cutis, arthritis, myocarditis, neuroborreliosis (meningo-encephalitis, meningo- radiculitis, meningitis), myositis and various ocular and skin disorders.

About Becky Plotner, N.D.

Becky Plotner is a Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor through the American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board. She is a traditional naturopath, Certified GAPS Practitioner, Doctor of Pastoral Sciences, and was deemed “The GAPS Expert” by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride in 2017. She is classified as a practitioner literate in Lyme, literate in Iodine and literate in chelation. She writes on her site, Nourishing Plot, with GAPS compliant help outside of appointments. She serves on Dr Natasha’s GAPS Board of Directors, is on the GAPS Staff as an instructor teaching Certified GAPS Practitioners in Training, as well as Certified GAPS Coaches in training. She

wrote the book “GAPS, Stage by Stage, With Recipes”, alongside Dr Natasha wrote the book “GAPS, Stage by Stage, With Recipes”, alongside Dr Natasha
as well as the book “Probiotic Foods vs Commercial Probiotics”.

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